Paris Attacks: Stephen King Sums Up Why It's Wrong To Blame All Muslims

Stephen King Sums Up Why It's Wrong To Blame All Muslims For The Paris Attacks

Bestselling horror writer Stephen King has tweeted about the Paris terror attacks, calling for restraint in the backlash against Muslims.

Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS and ISIL) has claimed responsibility for the atrocities which saw 129 people killed in a wave of attacks across the city on Friday night.

In the aftermath of the rampage, King wrote: “Hating all Muslims for what happened in Paris is like hating all Christians because of the gay-hating Westboro Baptist Church. ”

Horror writer Stephen King has commented on the Paris terror attacks

The sentiment has been retweeted 29,000 times, with Harry Potter writer JK Rowling also amplifying his words.

Westboro Baptist Church gained a repulsive notoriety for picketing the funerals of US servicemen killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It claimed the deaths are God's punishment for American immorality and tolerance of homosexuality and abortion.

But while thousands supported King, others have accused the writer of “false equivalency” in his comparison.

“If you think ISIS is best compared to a 40 member church that protests funerals, you’re not thinking hard enough,” wrote Matthew Sitman.

Thomas C added: “Yea I remember that one time that Westboro Baptist attacked and killed 100s of people too.”

Joshua Kirley replied: “Your distorted logic is what makes these attacks possible. Speak to me when Christians exterminate a city of gays with bullets.”

Police across Europe are searching for Salah Abdeslam, 26, who rented a car used to carry gunmen to the Bataclan music venue in Paris which became the scene of a massacre.

Officers had Abdeslam in their grasp when they stopped the car carrying him and two other men near the Belgian border.

Abdeslam is one of three brothers suspected of involvement in the Paris attacks.

Another has been named as Brahim. The 31 year-old suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest at the Bataclan on Boulevard Voltaire.

A third brother was arrested in Belgium.

French forces have struck back after the atrocity with a massive bombardment of the jihadist gorup’s stronghold in Raqqa, Syria.

Twelve aircraft, including 10 fighter jets, dropped 20 bombs, destroying a jihadi training camp and a munitions dump in Raqqa, where Iraqi intelligence officials claimed the attacks on Paris were planned.


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