Bulldog Gets Head Stuck In Cat Flap While Trying To Get Laid

Horny Bulldog Gets Head Stuck In The Pursuit Of Romance

Keeta, the adorable American bulldog, got into a sticky situation this week at her Leicester home when she spied a rather attractive male dog outside and started to feel a little bit randy.

Naturally, she did what any horny creature would do, and shot out as fast as she could. But there was just one problem - the door in her way.

Not one to give up, the four-year-old pup tried to push her way out through the cat flap - but that didn't go too well.

Of his pet's new squeeze, owner Nigel Page said: "We don't know whether they've done anything or not. The other dog was smaller, a little terrier, but you don't know."

The local fire service was called at 7:19am to free the pooch, who was walking around happily 20 minutes later.


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