Baby Girl Found Buried Alive In Compton, Los Angeles County

Baby Girl Found Buried Alive In A Hole

A newborn baby has been discovered buried alive in a hole by a passerby.

The little girl, thought to been no more than two days old, was found underneath asphalt and other rubble in a hole near a riverbed, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said.

She was discovered when a walker heard the sounds of muffled crying coming from the area, in Compton.

LA sheriff deputies heard Muffled Cry & Found Baby Buried Alive under pieces of asphalt along bike path.

Posted by Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department on Saturday, 28 November 2015

They alerted police, who found the tiny child after removing pieces of debris to uncover her.

She was wrapped in a blanket and cold to the touch, the Sheriff’s department said.

The baby was checked over at the scene and paramedics called.

LA sheriff deputies heard Muffled Cry & Found Baby Buried Alive under pieces of asphalt along bike path.

Posted by Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department on Saturday, 28 November 2015

She was then taken to hospital, where she remains in a stable condition and under observation.

There is a ‘Safe Surrender’ scheme in place in the area, which allows people to safely surrender babies at any hospital or fire station in Los Angeles county with no questions asked.


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