As a petition to ban Donald Trump from entering the UK reached almost 400,000 signatures on Thursday, Katie Hopkins has written in his defence, arguing that she too can't see the "divide between extremist Muslims and peaceful ones".
Trump on Monday sparked global outrage that has simmered ever since after suggesting the US impose a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" in the wake of terror attacks including Paris - on November 13 - and in San Bernadino, California, where a Muslim couple, believed to have been radicalised, killed 14 people at a health centre.
The Republican presidential candidate later fanned the Islamophobic controversy to London, claiming parts of the city were "so radicalised the police are afraid for their lives" - something both, London Mayor Boris Johnson, and the police have strongly denied.

Katie Hopkins has written in defence of Donald Trump's ban on Muslim immigration
In a column for the Mail Online on Thursday, headlined, 'Don’t demonise Trump, he speaks for millions of Americans. And who can blame them for not wanting to end up like us?', Hopkins mocks those signing a "hideously impotent" petition to ban him from the UK and applauds the reality TV star for "articulating a sentiment held by millions and reinforcing himself as a protector of the American people".
Hopkins writes that those signing the petition are wasting their time, and argues that people should "calm down" because even if Trump was elected president he wouldn't be able to enforce his policy.
"Ask yourself: how could he possibly make it work?
"America struggles to control its southern border as it is. It is not going to be able to change the global passport system and get your religion stamped on your passport or your head to establish your faith," Hopkins writes.
She continues: "What's the Christianity test going to be? Snurfling a hot dog whilst singing 'Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising'?"
Nonetheless, Hopkins argues, Trump is right.

Trump on Monday called for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States"
Hopkins writes that following the San Bernadino shootings, just like after 9/11, America has longed for strong leadership, which they are not getting from Barack Obama, who she says, "makes me want to wrap a suicide vest around my head and text boom to my brain".
Hopkins observes that Trump knows some of his "grand-standing is hot-air", but argues his opinions are those shared by a growing population of Americas, which is why he is the Republican front runner, despite spending considerably less than Jeb Bush on broadcasting.
Trump, Hopkins opines, is much like herself: "I hear cries that he is a blithering idiot. I have often been called a deranged fool. But if this were true you could ignore me, ignore us, imaging the two of us shouting naked at the rain.
"It's because we articulate sentiments repressed by the politically correct consensus that we have a voice."
Hopkins rubbishes claims by David Cameron and police that parts of London aren't so radicalised that police are "afraid for their lives" when they enter them, saying there is "fear among the police and the public".
"We have gone too far and lost control of vast swathes of our country. In part we are a radicalised nation and it does nobody any favours to deny the obvious."
Hopkins continues her defence of Trump by echoing his sentiments and blaming the BBC for "ramming home messages of inclusiveness". Being "force-fed multi-culturalism", she writes, has brought the UK to a place where the only permitted message is "acceptance" and any views to the contrary are condemned.
She writes that the BBC on Thursday broadcast a story that featured a representative of the Muslim community telling Trump he is an Islamophobe and is not welcome in the UK, an opinion she doesn't share, and she suggests, one that is not held by all Brits.
Hopkins: "I don't buy into the clear divide between extremist Muslims and peaceful ones. I don't see these as two separate entities. It is a sliding scale, a spectrum. From utterly peaceful, to ambivalence to sympathising, to extremist, to a man blowing up buses in Woburn Place.
"It is the same slippery slope which sees regular mosque attendees from Luton slip off to Syria to join ISIS. And suddenly a tight knit Muslim community knows nothing."
While Trump was quickly condemned for his views on Muslim immigration, Hopkins implores Brits to wake up, "you are too busy gazing at the fluff in your navel to see the gangrene in your foot".
Hopkins ends her piece by saying Britain is the reason Trump was justified, and comfortable, suggesting his anti-immigration policy, saying "for many Americans, Europe is rapidly becoming an example of everything they never want to be".