Tim Peake: Live Launch In Pictures

Tim Peake: The Family's Emotional Farewell

The farewell party for British astronaut Tim Peake ahead of his historic journey to the International Space Station, has been an emotional one.

While the world cheered the 43-year-old father of two, his sons understandably found it harder to wave their dad goodbye.

His youngest, four-year-old Oliver, crying out loud, said: “I want to go with daddy.”

Describing what the trip to space will mean for the family, Peake told The Independent: "Often I talk to the boys they are counting down the number of sleeps to when they will see daddy again."

Blasting off at 11:03am from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, on the Soyuz rocket, Peake will be accompanied by American Tim Kopra and Russian Yuri Malenchenko.


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