'Celebrity Big Brother: David Bowie Death News Mix-Up Leads To Huge Tiffany Pollard And Angie Bowie Row

Rows Erupt In 'CBB' House, Following David Bowie News Mix-Up

Furious row serupted in the ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ house, when confusion arose over the death of Angie’s ex-husband, David Bowie.

She then confided in David Gest and John Partridge, but decided not to share her grief with the rest of the house, instead putting her solemn mood down to “not feeling well”.

Angie initially didn't want to share the news of her ex-husband's death with anyone besides John and David

However, in Tuesday night’s episode, Angie then decided to tell Tiffany Pollard about the rock icon’s death, whispering to her: “You gotta do me a favour, you can't say a word. David's dead."

Unfortunately, Tiffany got the wrong end of the stick, assuming Angie was referring to ‘CBB’ housemate David Gest, who had taken to his bed after complaining he felt unwell.

Tiffany then grew “hysterical” over the mix-up, but as Angie tried to calm her down and shared details of Bowie's death, she remained completely unaware that Tiffany thought she meant Mr Gest.

As Angie went to the diary room, Tiffany ran to the garden, where most of the housemates were gathering, telling them: "I can't keep this a secret, she told me not to tell anybody... I'm not able to not tell anyone.

"I hope she's just joking but she said she's not, she told me that David is dead."

The rest of the house then ran to the bedroom, where they found David in his bed, leading to further confusion over what Angie had meant.

Tiffany Pollard

The row continued until John cleared up what was going on, however Tiffany's refusal to admit that it was a simple mix-up lead to further tension and more rows.

An increasingly angry Tiffany then accused Gemma Collins and Jonathan Cheban of “ganging up” on her, with John Partridge warning her that the rest of the housemates were feeling “threatened” by the events of the evening.

Big Brother then called Tiffany - who said she refused to apologise to Angie over her confusion - to the Diary Room, all while she yelled: “I’m ready to go! I’m fucking leaving! This whole house has a problem with me!”

After a long day of rows and disagreements, Christopher Maloney and Gemma Collins mentioned to calm Tiffany down, and convince her that her attitude wasn't helping matters.

The drama didn't stop there though and the episode also saw Jonathan Cheban later left the house for good, admitting that the row was the final straw in his decision to leave.

He told Big Brother: “My time here has now expired. I’m not really into fighting, Tiffany is insane! It’s getting down and dirty and there’s a bad vibe in the house.”


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