Teenager Hannah Stock Actually Got A Tattoo Of Ed Miliband On Her Thigh

This Teenager Actually Got A Massive Tattoo Of Ed Miliband's Face On Her Thigh
Hannah Stock
Hannah Stock

Ed Miliband has a new ultimate Milifan - teenager Hannah Stock, who's just had the former Labour leader's face tattooed onto her thigh.

The 18-year-old, who studies optometry at City University, London, wanted to get the inking as a show of respect for her "hero".

"I just think he’s so great, and, like, I met him just before the election and it kind of all started there,” Stock told BuzzFeed. “I’ve been a Labour member for two years but he’s such a hero and he’s just an inspiration to me. I miss his direction of the Labour party at the moment so I woke up yesterday and thought, ‘Why not?’”

Perhaps unsurprisingly, her mother has gone into shock, and didn't speak to her daughter for several hours after finding out about the tattoo.

Stock added: "“I’m pretty sure I’ve done the right thing,” she said. “I like it, I think it’s cool. I got some odd looks this morning but it does look good so that’s the main thing. It would be really embarrassing if you got one and then it was rubbish as well – at least it’s a good drawing, if nothing else."

Miliband has yet to respond to the news his face is now immortalised on someone's thigh.


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