Noel Edmonds 'Britain Is Full' Tweet Sparks Daily Express Reader Solidarity Over Immigration

Daily Express Readers Are Rallying Around Noel Edmonds After His Immigration Comments
TV celebrity Noel Edmonds in Hatherleigh, after having his trademark beard, which he has kept for 30 years, shaved off live on GMTV to help Devon farmers effected by the foot and mouth crisis.
TV celebrity Noel Edmonds in Hatherleigh, after having his trademark beard, which he has kept for 30 years, shaved off live on GMTV to help Devon farmers effected by the foot and mouth crisis.
Chris Ison/PA Archive

Noel Edmonds has seemingly found an ally in his battle to convince people that "Britain is full", with readers of the Daily Express rallying around the TV star.

The Express this morning splashed on the story of the 'Deal or no Deal' presenter's difficult Wednesday commute, which led him to conclude the country had reached breaking point.

The 67-year-old presenter had asked his 11,000 Twitter followers: "Just tried to get somewhere. Allowed loads of time but abandoned journey. Am I alone in thinking Britain is full?"

Edmonds' suggestion sparked a round of gentle mocking on Twitter as people used pictures of the UK's plentiful countryside to take an opposing view.

The comments section of the Daily Express was a rather different affair however, filled with those agreeing with Edmonds. Here are a select few for your perusal.

One person who certainly doesn't agree with Edmonds is Stephen Nickell, a member of the board at the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR).

Last year he told MPs: "One argument says 'We are a small island, not much room'. On the other hand, of course, there is masses of room. The urbanised part of Britain occupies less than 10 per cent of the surface area.

"The urbanised part of Surrey occupies less of Surrey than golf courses. So in some senses, plenty of space."

So as Asa Bennet of the Telegraph puts it...

To his credit though, Edmonds did take Wednesday's furore in remarkably good spirit.

He did eventually clarify his comments in what amounted to a partial backdown...

And here are some other people who think 'Britain Is Full'..


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