Tiny Bump Under Woman's Skin Turns Out To Be The Biggest Blackhead We've Ever Seen (GRAPHIC)

Women's Hidden Blackhead Is Unbelievably Huge Once Extracted (GRAPHIC)

Warning: This article contains graphic images

At first glance the woman in the video above has perfectly clear skin.

But expert dermatologist Dr Sandra Lee - aka Dr Pimple Popper - knows something gruesome must be lurking beneath its surface.

With the camera rolling, Dr Lee takes up her tools and begins to examine a small bump just above her patient's lip.

It isn't long before she extracts what has to be the largest blackhead we have ever seen.

As Dr Lee says: "It looks like a little baby river rock."



Video Of Man Having Giant Cyst Removed From Face Will Make You Gag (GRAPHIC)

GRAPHIC: Grim Video Shows Blackhead Erupting Like A Volcano
