Cologne Attacks: German Women Respond By Handing Out Flowers To Refugees

Women In Germany Are Handing Out Flowers To Refugees
After the Cologne attacks, women handed out roses to refugees....

After the horrible assaults in Cologne, refugees handed out flowers to women in German cities to show their respect. Look what happened when a group of German women continued the chain of empathy. Like and share if you think this is what shared humanity looks like.

Posted by Avaaz on Monday, 18 January 2016

German women are handing flowers to refugees across the country to protest against violence, in light of the Cologne New Year’s Day attacks.

The 'Flowers for Humanity in Cologne' campaign took to the streets on Friday and saw close to one hundred women visit the city's biggest refugee center to present them with roses.

An ongoing gesture, thousands more are expected to join in similar events this weekend, after an online gathering is campaigning for an end to xenophobia.

It comes after attacks in Cologne where some 90 women claimed to have been sexually assaulted, and some raped.

After the incident, it was widely claimed that the perpetrators were refugees from "the Arab or North African region".

In turn, refugees handed out flowers to women in German cities to show their respect.

The ongoing action for women is set up by Avaaz, a global web movement, which is expecting thousands more to turnout this weekend.

Anne Agius, a woman who participated in the event in Cologne on Friday, said: “After the shocking attacks here in Cologne, we Germans are at a crossroads. Will we take the road of division and xenophobia? Or will we choose the road of unity and humanity that will ultimately also keep our country safer?

"While condemning the despicable acts of New Year's Eve, today, hundreds of women here and across the country are choosing to build bridges and overcome fear by reaching out in love.”

Earlier this month a group of German feminists wrote an open letter asking that sexual violence is not attributed to race or ethnicity, in the aftermath of the attacks.

The women's rights activists wrote: "It is harmful for all of us if feminism is exploited by extremists to incite against certain ethnicities, as is currently being done in the discussion surrounding the incidents in Cologne."

The pressure comes after Chancellor Angela Merkel said she would consider making Germany’s immigration laws tougher and she said that she would look at making it easier to deport immigrants who commit crimes.


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