When you take a photo to show your family your baby bump at full term, you expect your bump to be the centre of attention.
You certainly don't expect to be upstaged by a dolphin photobomber.
That's what happened to Angeline Mozer, 31, who is nine months pregnant. Her husband Dan, 30, took a photo of her on a Florida beach and had his camera ready just in time to capture the dolphin's jump.
Mr Mozer shared the incredible photo with local news site News4Jax, who shared it on Instagram with the caption: "A once in a lifetime shot. Viewer Dan Mozer shared this image of his wife Angeline as they were taking maternity shots at Atlantic Beach."
"When I took it, I was like, 'Oh, my God!' Unfortunately, she totally missed it," Mr Mozer told Yahoo Parenting.
The couple are expecting their first child, a boy whom they’ve named Courtland Thomas.
"And, no," Mr Mozer adds. "We’re not changing his name, as some have suggested, to Dolph Finn."
The photo has attracted a lot of admiring comments, as well as a few skeptical ones, such as "Ahh. The magic of photo shop."