Lena Dunham, Margaret Cho And Alfre Woodard Share Their Life Lessons On Body Image

Five Powerful Lessons About Body Image That You Need To Know

From actors to comedians, beauty bloggers to directors, self-confidence issues are something that all women have to face - especially in the glare of media spotlight.

That's why five powerful women - actor Alfre Woodard, comedian Margaret Cho, magazine founder Christy Haubegger, fashion blogger Tavi Gevinson, and writer, actor and director Lena Dunham - have opened up about body image, sharing helpful tips all women can relate to.

Read their tips below:

Alfre Woodard, actor

Whether it's juicing of fasting, Woodard is no stranger to putting her body through extreme measures for events. But she recently realised the most effective way of making yourself look good: confidence.

"When I'm seventy I won't care about whether my belly will show and whether the fashion people will say 'what was she thinking?' This [my body] is it - love it or forget about it."

Margaret Cho, comedian

Comedian Cho recollected her lightbulb moment which came after she was told to lose weight for a film where she would be playing herself.

"They were so alarmed that I was too fat to play the role of myself, which is like really ludicrous," she said.

That was the moment Cho started to filter out the negativity and stop worrying about weight loss.

"After that I was like I'm not gonna even think about it, I'm not gonna worry about that I'm just going to try and be healthy and build up my health and my strength.

'That was my biggest lesson, I'm not going to hurt myself in order to make this happen."

Christy Haubegger, founder Latina Magazine

Haubegger is familiar with media coverage of women, but it all started when she was a teen.

"I remember reading Seventeen, you know and all these teen magazines and feeling really unattractive and left out, not realising of course that they make everybody feel unattractive," she recalled.

The 47-year-old said that eventually she decided to stop reading such magazines, until she saw a more diverse body type. When she didn't see this change, she started her own and so Latina was born.

Tavi Gevinson, fashion blogger and feminist

Gevinson said that being a strong woman can often be frowned upon, instead women are taught to be vulnerable.

She said: "You're not too sure of yourself because that would make you threatening to other people and people don't want to be threatened by a girl."

This is an idea she stopped worrying about years ago: "I try to do everything for myself and I don't really care what people think."

Lena Dunham, writer, director, actor and producer

Dunham is a true body diversity champion. No stranger to proudly showing her body on Girls HBO and her Instagram, she sticks two fingers up to the one-size-fits-all body type.

"People have an idea of what's sexy," she said. "I don't think people think asserting yourself is sexy and it's up to us to just sort of make the transition."

She also outlined her clear stance on losing weight: "I don't want to go on a diet ever unless I feel like I want to."

The 2016 MAKERS Conference February runs from 1-3, 2016, with the theme of #TheTimeIsNow. The inspiring three days will see sessions focusing on tangible solutions and calls-to-action around gender equality, as well as personal stories from influencers and experts.
