Mother's Day 2017: 12 Of The Funniest Cards From Kids To Their Mums

12 Of The Funniest Mother's Day Cards From Kids To Their Mums

When your children are young, one of the best things you can receive on Mother's Day is a homemade card explaining how much they love you.

But for some mums, this doesn't always go to plan.

Proving that kids will never fail entertain us, we've rounded up some of the funniest cards and poems children have written to their mums for Mother's Day.

Aren't they brilliant?

1. The slightly expletive card

2. The back-handed compliment

3. The fart blamer

4. The one who can't decide what her mum is good at

Click 'next' to read inside the card.

5. The one with a random herd of Godzillas

6. The one with a drawing that looks like a womb diagram

7. The one that's a bit too honest

8. The one crediting the brilliant pancakes

9. The one that is simply adorable

10. The one that is slightly aggressive

11. The one that gets straight to the point

12. The one for the step mum
