International Women's Day: Video Shows How Kids' React To Boys Getting More Pocket Money Than Girls

This Is How Kids Feel About The Gender Pay Gap (In Pocket Money)

Trust kids to be able to explain in the simplest of terms why the gender pay gap is so ridiculous.

A group of children were asked to do chores alongside their brother or sister including washing the car, putting the rubbish outside and cleaning the windows.

Once the chores were completed, the girls were paid less pocket money than their brothers for doing exactly the same jobs.

And it's safe to say no one was happy about it.

The video was produced by Australian bank ANZ as part of its #EqualFuture campaign.

ANZ Group general manager Louise Eyres said the experiment was designed to address the issue of the gender pay gap "in an emotive and thought-provoking way".

Initially some of the boys were giddy and chuffed when they received more cash, but it soon dawned on them how unnecessary it was.

"That should be flat out illegal, I'm not joking or being unreasonable."

"Women and men should have the same money."

"It should be how hard you work."

"If you do the same work as a boy you should get paid the same money."

"It's not fair that boys get paid more than girls."

"When I am older, I'm going to make a change (if I don't forget)."
