Sadiq Khan's Election As First Muslim Mayor Of London Prompts Rallying Against '#LondonHasFallen'

'I'm so proud of Londoners - racist fear-mongering doesn't work here.'

Londoners have rallied against critics of Sadiq Khan, turning a hashtag inspired by concern about the new mayor being Muslim into messages of hope instead.

Originally, people were tweeting out #LondonHasFallen with messages along this line of sentiment:

#LondonHasFallen such a shame, it'll be a hell hole in a few years

— Bradley Whittingham (@bradwhittingham) May 7, 2016

But many were confused by what they labelled an attempt at "racist, fear mongering".

What is this #Londonhasfallen hashtag about? I've never been prouder of the people of London. Racist, fear mongering doesn't work here.

— Zoë Brown (@ZBrownie) May 7, 2016

#LondonHasFallen tweeted from a Japanese phone, eating Indian food, in one of the most diverse cities in the world #Idiots

— Swarley (@jxmielannister) May 7, 2016

A backlash against the original messages began, and people instead used the popular hashtag to promote London's diversity and values of hope and unity.

Yes #LondonHasFallen its fallen out of the hands of racists & fascists and #LondonHasRisen into a capital where Hope & Unity come first

— Tara Hewitt (@Tara_Hewitt) May 7, 2016

#LondonHasFallen out of love with Old Etonian Tories like Boris and Zac, preferring a mayor who represents the diversity of the city

— Billy Bragg (@billybragg) May 7, 2016

Yes. #LondonHasFallen..... In Love with Sadiq ❤

— Dr Ben White (@ProtocoIDriven) May 7, 2016

And it wasn't long before people turned to mocking those who criticised Khan for his race and religion.

It's barely been a day and already the Queen is wearing a hijab #LondonHasFallen

— Rohan (@Chops8592) May 7, 2016

Typical! A Pakistani Muslim gets voted as Mayor and even the weather becomes foreign. What should we do! #LondonHasFallen

— Hassan#FreePalestine (@Mr_Moti) May 7, 2016

Me distracting the infidels while my mate Abu smuggles more Muslims into the country #londonhasfallen

— Suleman (@NamelusWonder) May 7, 2016

I'm planning to enforce sharia in my street after I've mown the lawn and had a cup of tea #LondonHasFallen

— Otto English (@Otto_English) May 7, 2016

Khan's win was announced on Friday night, as it was revealed he successfully fended off competition from candidates including Conservative MP Zac Goldsmith.

Goldsmith was criticised during the election battle for running a "dog-whistle" campaign which drew links between Khan and Islamic extremism.


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