Eurovision 2016: 6 People Who Should Be Representing The UK

We'd have a better chance of winning if we put some of these people forward.

The musical event of the year is upon us, with the whole country itching to see who will win Eurovision this year.

The UK's entry for 2016 is former 'The Voice' contestants Joe and Jake, but our chances at the bookies stand at 25/1 so we've been left wondering why we haven't used some of the many musical talents at our disposal.

Here's a few people we think could totally rock the Eurovision Song Contest for the United Kingdom.


The 'X-Factor' reject now makes a few bob on the side recording short video messages for people, like when he recently sang "Donald Where's Your Troosers" for SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon. He could easily steal the show in Stockholm this year.

Jeremy Corbyn

I'm not convinced @jeremycorbyn knows all the words to Incy Wincy spider but good effort on the actions!

— Louise Stewart (@FSBLouiseS) November 11, 2015

Back in November the Labour leader proved he had the moves and the singing voice to pull off a competition like Eurovision with a wonderfully animated rendition of "The Incey Wincey Spider". Put him on the stage and watch us walk to victory. Just don't ask him to sing the national anthem.

Ian and Anne

This 'Britain's Got Talent' singing duo raised the roof in the competition back in April with their own version of Beyoncé's "Crazy In Love", and we're certain they could get a few Eurovision judges up on their feet.

Anti-EU campaigner Mandy Boylett

Ukip member and Vote Leave campaigner Mandy Boylett became an internet sensation when she released this pro-Brexit parody of Baddiel & Skinner's "Three Lions" in February, so why not give her a chance to really stick it to Europe in the Eurovision Song Contest? Well, we'd almost certainly lose, but it would still be fun to watch.

Boris Johnson

We could truly highlight our country's multiculturalism and prove we're not all "Little Englanders" by putting BoJo up on stage and giving him the chance to recite his version of "Ode To Joy" in German like he did last week.

Ed Balls

Let's just put him on stage and have him say his own name over and over again.

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