'Absolutely Fabulous': 35 Life Lessons Learned From Eddy And Patsy

You are a fabulous, wonderful individual, sweetie.

Break out the bolly, sweetie - it’s been confirmed Joanna Lumley is set to receive the highest honour at this year’s TV Baftas, being handed the Fellowship, acknowledging her outstanding contribution to TV.

Of course, most fans still know and love her as one half Absolutely Fabulous’s terrible twosome, Eddy Monsoon and Patsy Stone. So in celebration of Joanna’s award, we look at the life lessons the iconic hell-raisers taught us since they first drunkenly stumbled into our lives back in 1992...

1. Alcohol is the nectar of the gods

2. Wherever you go, whatever you do, there should always be plenty of Bolly

3. Sometimes a bender is the answer to all life's problems

4. Even if it often lands you in some sticky situations

5. There's also no such thing as "too early" where booze is concerned

6. Life is too short to suffer dull people

7. Or stupid people

8. Or the lower classes

9. Self-belief will get you anywhere

10. And you should always tell yourself:

11. And never apologise for who you are

12. Remember, you're as young as you feel

13. Although not everyone may believe you if you shave a few years off your age

14. But don't forget, while a fringe can hide a multitude of sins...

15. Surgery is a much riskier business

16. You should always travel in style

17. And know how to make an entrance

18. As first impressions are everything

19. Exercise is a pointless, totally futile thing...

20. No matter how much you want to lose weight

21. You should never tolerate insolence

22. Tantrums are not just for children, and are a perfectly acceptable way of demonstrating your emotions

23. Bitching is a legitimate hobby

24. And an excellent command of the English language can turn a great insult...

25. Into a bloody fabulous one

26. Execute it well, and no-one will ever dare cross you again

27. Fashion isn't just about clothes, it's a way of life

28. But pulling an outfit together isn't always as easy as it seems

29. Being the centre of attention is a full time job

30. It's important to have standards when it comes to the opposite sex

31. Don't let anyone ever try and change your #luxurybitch ways

32. Sleep is a wasted use of valuable time

33. Your best friend is means more to you than any man in your life

34. And you should always be there to offer them your honest advice

35. THIS. Every weekend.


Relive more of Ab Fab's most memorable moments in the gallery below...

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