EU Referendum Man Voted For Leave And Is Now Regretting It

No. Words.

A Leave voter has admitted on national television that he didn't think his ballot would matter and is now shocked the UK will now leave the European Union.

To the man on @BBCNews in Manchester who voted leave but is now "shocked" that his vote mattered and is now "worried", well done sir. Moron.

— Suzie Wright (@suziewright94) June 24, 2016

In a segment during the BBC's rolling coverage of events, Adam was introduced as a Leave voter and asked for his reaction.

He said: "I'm a bit shocked to be honest.

"I'm shocked that we voted for Leave, I didn't think that was going to happen.

"I didn't think my vote was going to matter too much because I thought we were just going to remain."

Are you actually joking, man on @BBCNews?! 'I voted to Leave, didn't think my vote would matter'. LITERALLY UNBELIEVABLE

— Louisa Yates (@louisayates) June 24, 2016

Leave won 51.9% of the total vote to Remain’s 48.1% after the final count. Turnout in the referendum was 71.8% - with more than 30 million people voting.

Despite an on-the-day poll predicting a win for Remain, Leave voters turned out in droves in order to take the UK out of the EU.

@paulwaugh @verityharding Quite a few people y'day said they'd voted Leave to ensure Remain didn't win big

— Gavin Barwell MP (@GavinBarwellMP) June 24, 2016

The decision has already sent shockwaves around the world and prompted the resignation of David Cameron.

Adam added: "The David Cameron resignation has blown me away to be honest and the period of uncertainty that we're going to be magnified now so yeah, I'm quite worried."

@paulwaugh @verityharding should there be an intelligence test to be able to vote?

— simon martin (@M311Simon) June 24, 2016

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