Labour MP Sarah Champion Unresigns From Jeremy Corbyn's Frontbench

Sarah Champion Unresigns From Jeremy Corbyn's Frontbench
Christopher Furlong via Getty Images

Labour MP Sarah Chamption has unresigned from Jeremy Corbyn’s frontbench team.

The Rotherham MP quit her role as shadow minister for preventing abuse on June 26.

However today she wrote to Corbyn asking to be reinstated. The Labour leader has accepted her back.

“The Leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, is pleased to announce the appointment of Sarah Champion MP, who is re-joining the Labour’s front bench as Shadow Home Office Minister, focusing on women, equality and domestic violence,” the party said today.

In an email sent to Corbyn obtained by Guido Fawkes, Champion said:

“I would like to formally retract my resignation and ask to be reinstated to my role as Shadow Home Office minister for preventing abuse and domestic violence with immediate effect.”

Champion initially quit as part of the wave of mass resignations from Corbyn’s frontbench last month.

I have just stepped down from my shadow minister job, but not my responsibilities to my constituents, party or victims of abuse

— Sarah Champion MP (@SarahChampionMP) June 28, 2016

Sources told HuffPost UK the ‘un-resignation’ letter may have been hanging around for a while.

.@SarahChampionMP sent her 'unresignation' email to JC on Thursday. Took a full 5 days for his team to find it, one party source says.

— Paul Waugh (@paulwaugh) July 25, 2016

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