Comedian Jason Manford Revealed He Cancelled Show Due To Daughter's Head Injury

'I had to rush her to A&E.'

Comedian Jason Manford has revealed he was forced to cancel his latest gig because his daughter sustained a head injury.

The 35-year-old, who had a show scheduled in Middleton, Manchester, on Thursday 8 September 2016, took to Facebook to explain his absence.

“My daughter had a nasty head injury at her aerial dance class and I had to rush her to A&E,” he explained.

“I didn’t know how serious it was or how long it would take, or even if I’d be in the right headspace to do a gig so I thought it was best to just cancel.”

Andrew Aitchison via Getty Images

Manford assured fans that his daughter is now “totally fine”, adding the incident was a bit of a “scare” for him.

“I will look at the diary for a possible replacement date but in the meantime please contact the box office who will reimburse tickets,” he wrote.

“Thanks for being so understanding, you know I would never do it if it wasn’t a genuine emergency.”

Fans were understanding of his situation.

“Mate I love that you’re a big celeb but when the shiz hits the fan, you’re a parent,” one person wrote.

Another commented: “People should totally understand. Family always comes first. Well done.”

Manford has seven-year-old twin daughters, a five-year-old daughter and four-year-old son with his former wife Catherine Manford. He also has a one-year-old daughter with his current partner Lucy Dyke.

He did not state which daughter sustained the head injury.
