'Cold Feet' Star Karen David Supports Adam And Angela In Age-Gap Romance

Previously, Karen appeared in 'Waterloo Road' and 'Galavant'.

‘Cold Feet’ fans may be urging Adam to ditch his exotic young wife in favour of his understanding landlady, but actress Karen David is fully in favour of the May-December romance that finds her replacing Rachel in the arms of actor James Nesbitt.

She tells HuffPostUK:

“For me personally for where I’m at in my life, I don’t see the numbers and I know Angela definitely does not see the age gap as a hindrance.

“I’ve dated men younger and older then myself. Without the risk of sounding cliché, it is about the connection you have with that person. It’s a feeling we all have when we meet ‘the one’. I love that she is not inhibited by what others think about their age gap, and cultural differences. She is very much led by her heart when it comes to Adam. In her mind, if it feels right, then it’s truthful and pure, and nothing can undermine what she feels for Adam.”

Karen David is convinced Angela and Adam are the real thing
Karen David is convinced Angela and Adam are the real thing

Karen, who was born in India, raised in Canada, has a home in London but has been busy working in the US, had only recently watched the whole original series when she got the call to play Angela.

She remembers: “When my agent called me about the role of Angela, I was in New York doing a press tour for an American show on abc, called ‘Galavant’.

“I had assumed the role was to play one of the friends, or neighbours - I never guessed it was to play the new Mrs. Adam Williams. I have to admit, my first response was, ‘Is Adam going through a mid life crisis?’ to which my agent laughed and said, ‘Maybe, or maybe he’s just found true love again.’”

Despite the 13-year gap between this series and the last, the chemistry between the five original cast members is clearly as effortless as ever, and Karen admits she was terrified her first day on set…

“It was extremely nerve wracking initially, being the newbie joining such a revered cast and such a beloved and iconic show - we’re talking about actors who I looked up to and whose work I respect very much. It was like starting at a new school, on the first day, when you don’t know anyone. But those nerves quickly dissipated the minute I walked onto set. Everyone was so lovely and incredibly welcoming.

Just another day at the office for James Nesbitt and Karen David
Just another day at the office for James Nesbitt and Karen David

“My very first scene was on Day 1 of shooting and was with Jimmy, who I had only met a few days before for an hour, and there we were in our Singapore apartment, having a schmooch fest, before he heads out to the airport to fly to Manchester. That scene was later cut, but nonetheless, it was definitely ‘throw yourself right in’ kind of thing, from the very start!”

You’re clearly a busy bee. What else will we be seeing you in over the next few months? Are you going to be able to return to Richmond any time soon?

“It’s certainly not everyday when I can say that I’m in three shows at the same time, and a movie. Besides ‘Cold Feet’, my American show ‘Galavant’ is now on Netflix (Seasons 1 and 2). I’m in a wonderful American indie film, ‘The Tiger Hunter’ - an immigrant story, with ‘Community’ star, Danny Pudi, Jon Heder, Kevin Pollak, Sam Page and Iqbal Theba. We’ve begun the festival route and recently won 4 awards at the LAAPFF for Best Director, Best Picture, Best Ensemble Cast and the Audience Award.

“Plus, I’ve been filming in Vancouver on another American show on ABC, ‘Once Upon A Time’, playing Jasmine from Aladdin. There are a couple of other projects I’m doing, but not allowed to say just yet...but soon!”

‘Cold Feet’ continues on Monday evenings at 9pm on ITV. Catch up with the series on ITVPlayer. Pictures below...

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