Britain First's Jayda Fransen Trial Sees Paul Golding Release Video About Ruling

'Muslims are a protected species in Britain.'

Britain First leader, Paul Golding, has released a video describing the “bizarre events” of Jayda Fransen’s recent trial in which she was found guilty of religiously aggravated harassment.

The 11-minute monologue outlines a number of perceived injustices suffered by the group, concluding Britain has a “two-tier legal system... one for Muslims and one for everyone else.”

“Muslims are a protected species in Britain and receive special treatment from our left-wing establishment institutions,” he adds.

Fransen was found guilty of wearing a uniform with political objectives and religiously aggravated harassment.

A court in Luton heard how the deputy leader of Britain First hurled abuse at a Muslim woman wearing a hijab while brandishing a white cross in front of the woman’s four young children.

In the video, Golding says: “As we all know the circus that was Jayda Fransen’s Soviet show-trial ended yesterday in Luton with her being convicted of her wearing a Britain First hat and having a heated discussion with an aggressive, pompous and abusive white Muslim convert.

“Firstly let’s put this in perspective. About a year ago one of our activists filmed a Muslim man punch me in the face in broad daylight in the middle of a populated area in Luton.

Paul Golding (right), leader of Britain First, and the party's deputy leader, Jayda Fransen, arriving at Luton Magistrates' Court.
Paul Golding (right), leader of Britain First, and the party's deputy leader, Jayda Fransen, arriving at Luton Magistrates' Court.
David Mirzoeff/PA Wire

“Luton police on that occasion decided to take no further action.

”On another occasion another of our Jewish activists was fly-kicked in the face on video - no further action.

“Whilst preaching the Gospel in East London a Muslim idiot spat in Jayda Fransen’s face - no further action.

“These are just a few examples where Muslims have been let off for a number of crimes despite blatant video evidence.

“However, when Britain First, a legally-registered political party decided to campaign in an area of Luton known for being an Islamist hotspot, Luton police unleashed a wave of arrests and legal persecution that is unprecedented in British political history.”

The video is littered with clips to back up the Golding’s arguments but omit key bits of context.

The incident he describes in which a Muslim man punched him in the face did indeed appear to happen, in fact it featured in a BBC Three documentary on the group that aired last year.

What Golding doesn’t describe is the events directly before and after the incident.

Filmmaker Miles Blayden-Ryal was following the group as they drove through Luton, momentarily stopping outside a mosque brandishing crosses and a large banner declaring “No More Mosques”.

Golding and Fransen before their behaviour became "erratic".
Golding and Fransen before their behaviour became "erratic".
BBC Three

As they leave the scene, Blayden-Ryal says: “I continue to follow and suddenly Paul and Jayda’s behaviour starts to become erratic.”

Golding and Jayda then drive the wrong way down a one-way street.

Blayden-Ryal continues: “After driving around in circles for about 20 minutes Paul stops in the middle of the road and appears to start arguing with two men.”

This is the point at which the Muslim man gets out of his car, approaches Golding and appears to swing at him.

Blayden-Ryal and his colleague are watching from their car just behind.

“What just happened?” he asks to which his passenger replies: “I think that’s what they wanted.”

In the documentary but not in Britain First’s footage, Golding can then be heard shouting: “Go back to the desert!”

This is Britain First "not being racist" #WeWantOurCountryBack

— Chris York (@ChrisDYork) October 6, 2015

As for the incidents with the fly-kick and a Muslim man spitting in Fransen’s face, these lamentable incidents again, did happen - but not in isolation.

Both occurred outside the East London Mosque in Tower Hamlets where Fransen, flanked by burly “activists”, spent the time leading up to the spitting incident hurling abuse at Muslims leaving and entering the building.

She says: “You don’t acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the saviour. Jesus Christ died for every single one of you and you know what you do?

“You belittle him and call him a prophet. You worship a false prophet who claims to have some sort of relationship with Allah.

“You have your prophet on a pedestal. Your prophet who is a paedophile and a warlord.

“Turn away from the false prophet and embrace the saviour.”

Moving onto the incident for which Fransen was prosecuted, this took place during the group’s “Christian Patrol” in Bury Park, Luton, an area they call an “Islamist hotspot”.

During the march, Britain First wrote they had faced “ferocious hostility from local Muslims”, and said their video was a “shocking look into the Islamisation of our beloved country”.

What they don’t show but what was subsequently documented by a number of people afterwards, is the large number of churches in the area and the genuine Christian population standing side-by-side with the Muslims approached by the group.

The video below gives a quick tour of the area showing numerous churches in the “Islamist hotspot”.

Another video shows the British Muslim who confronted Fransen being supported by local Christian religious leaders.

At this point it’s worth remembering that back in January every single Christian denomination in the UK condemned Britain First.

Representatives of 14 churches and Christian groups variously described the political party as “extremist”, “self-serving” and “blasphemous” and condemned its actions as “hi-jacking the name of Jesus Christ to justify hatred and spread fear”.

A spokesman for the Evangelical Alliance said: “Let’s get this straight. Britain First do not speak for Christians. Their message of hate is entirely at odds with the Christian faith.”

Undeterred, Golding ends the video by blaming the result on the judge who he describes as a “sour-face trout”.


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