Abandoned Pregnant Pig Gets The Glamorous Maternity Photoshoot She Deserves

Nailed it.

A rescue pig has warmed hearts around the world after starring in a glamorous maternity photoshoot.

Sophie the pig posed for photos while wearing a bow and tutu, but she hasn’t always been so pampered.

The new mumma was one of several animals found on an abandoned property in Indiana.

The animals weren’t left with enough food or water to survive for long, but thankfully, the Humane Society of Elkhart County found them before it was too late.

The animal rescue organisation managed to find Sophie a new home at the Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary in Ohio.

But shortly after she arrived, staff realised she was pregnant.

They organised an oh-so-cute maternity photoshoot for the pig to celebrate with Jessica Cvelbar, founder of Enjoy the Ride Photography.

“Who could possibly turn down a request like that?” Cvelbar asked The Dodo.

“I gathered up essential maternity photo props, like a tutu, festive banner and a pink ribbon. I am an animal lover, but have never worked up close with a pig before.”

It’s a good thing the staff organised the shoot quickly because a few days later, Sophie gave birth to seven healthy piglets.

We love a happy ending.
