19 Tweets From Celebrity Parents That Are Too Real For All Of Us

Chrissy Teigen is our spirit animal.

Celebs may have more money and access to a nanny, but there is a universal truth about parenting that makes life wonderful and maddening no matter how much cash you have.

Remember, money can’t buy you sleep. Or a reprieve from Let It Go. Here is parenting as told by our favourite celebs on Twitter.

Ryan Reynolds

I watched Frozen without my two year old this morning. Despair reveals itself in many forms.

— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) November 9, 2016

No matter which kids book I read to my screaming baby on an airplane, the moral of the story is always something about a vasectomy.

— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) August 7, 2016

Tinder isn't a babysitting app. Apologies to Crystal and Janine for the misunderstanding.

— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) August 19, 2016

This morning, my daughter said, "quiche" which means she's smart, hungry and an asshole.

— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) August 21, 2016

Being a father means responsibility. Not just for your main family, but also the secret one in Denmark nobody knows about.

— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) June 19, 2016

Chrissy Teigen

My daughter might crawl for the first time but I'm busy pic.twitter.com/sB8nIvcBVf

— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) December 25, 2016

Luna is laughing just as hard at my fake a'choo sneezes today as she did yesterday. So jealous of her baby ignorance.

— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) November 9, 2016

Mom is babysitting and I've got photos of Luna in some pajama dress I've never seen and she's wearing shoes for the first time ever pic.twitter.com/kLGCmSHBMM

— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) November 29, 2016

I constantly have to figure out what makes Luna laugh every day because it's never the same. Today: "boo". pic.twitter.com/WzxKhGxn7I

— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) December 22, 2016

Olivia Wilde

I assume flying alone with a grumpy toddler is the final level of SEAL training.

— olivia wilde (@oliviawilde) September 13, 2016

Me: "G'night honey. Wanna sing Twinkle Twinkle?"
2 yr old: "how 'bout Beastie Boys?"
All is not lost.

— olivia wilde (@oliviawilde) November 14, 2016

Reading five Dr Seuss books before 8am does all kind of effed up stuff to your brain for the day, I say, it may, okay?! 😵.

— olivia wilde (@oliviawilde) September 20, 2016

Just heard myself say "YES. It's soup season!" So... I guess I'm officially fucking ancient.

— olivia wilde (@oliviawilde) October 4, 2016

NBD, able-bodied 🚇 riders who won't give your seat to a GIANT preggo. I'll just stand riiiiight next to your head and pray I go into labor.

— olivia wilde (@oliviawilde) September 14, 2016

Anyone else suck at parenting today? 😬

— olivia wilde (@oliviawilde) September 7, 2016

Anna Faris

I'm so lucky to have a child that likes cake - and also I love you pic.twitter.com/wNVTsfefVE

— Anna Faris (@AnnaKFaris) November 21, 2016

That's the rope from my robe my son is always stealing and I can never find- makes me crazy pic.twitter.com/PQKeuB7xCT

— Anna Faris (@AnnaKFaris) May 4, 2016

Train museum! For the 223rd time! pic.twitter.com/ywSZIRuFQs

— Anna Faris (@AnnaKFaris) April 4, 2016

This was also a less-adorable expression upon introduction-turns out sometimes penguins smell pic.twitter.com/RGha47ZiKd

— Anna Faris (@AnnaKFaris) March 8, 2016