Good Morning Britain Subject To More Than 100 Ofcom Complaints After Featuring 'Gay Conversion' Therapist

Stonewall boss calls it 'ITV sanctioned hate'.

Ofcom has received more than 100 complaints after Good Morning Britain featured a man promoting gay conversion therapy, which has been branded “ITV sanctioned hate”.

Dr Michael Davidson, a Christian counsellor, was booked on the show, which promoted his view by tweeting it with the words: “Any thoughts?”

On next we’ll meet the man who claims he can 'cure' homosexuality in men. Any thoughts?

— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) September 5, 2017

Stonewall chief executive Ruth Hunt tweeted the decision to feature him left her “increasingly thinking that Stonewall needs an early morning crew just to respond and counteract early morning ITV sanctioned hate”.

I'm increasingly thinking that @stonewalluk needs an early morning crew just to respond and counteract early morning ITV sanctioned hate.

— Ruth Hunt (@ruth_hunt) September 5, 2017

Peter Ruddick, a producer of GMB rivals BBC Breakfast, said he would resign if Davidson were booked on his show.

Yes. Lots of thoughts. Lots and lots of thoughts. The first being if @BBCBreakfast booked him I would resign.

— Peter Ruddick (@ruddick) September 5, 2017

He said GMB had done because “they want social media outrage, newspaper column inches” and “because they can’t get the ratings”.

“I won’t be silent on this,” he added.

I get it. They want social media outrage, newspaper column inches etc. because they can't get the ratings but I won't be silent on this.

— Peter Ruddick (@ruddick) September 5, 2017

At 10.30am, just three hours after the segment aired, an Ofcom spokeswoman said the regulator had received 103 complaints so far and were assessing them.

When someone suggested it was good to air these views and allow people to “hang themselves by their own rope”, Ruddick said: “These views are not news. They do not need to be legitimised by being aired.”

I am sorry but I have to disagree on this one. These views are not news. They do not need to be legitimised by being aired.

— Peter Ruddick (@ruddick) September 5, 2017

Hosts Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid challenged Davidson, who claims he was gay and is now straight.

Morgan said the evidence Davidson cited to support his view was from “waccy baccy scientists in America” and challenged him to “prove to me that you’re straight”.

Gay conversion therapy: @piersmorgan and @susannareid100 challenge Dr Michael Davidson’s views on homosexuality

— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) September 5, 2017

Davidson’s appearance followed another controversial GMB edition on Monday, when Morgan clashed with trans model Munroe Bergdorf and said of transgender rights: “Why can’t we let boys be boys and girls be girls?”

Bex Stinson, Stonewall’s head of transgender inclusion called it “a disgusting anti LGBT onslaught”.

First @GMB attacks #trans people. Now they're giving air time to gay cure therapy. What a disgusting anti #LGBT onslaught. Shame on you.

— Bex Stinson (@Bex_Stinson) September 5, 2017

GMB has been contacted for comment but had not responded when this article went live.

Davidson also appeared on the BBC’s Sunday Morning Live in July, when he appeared on a debate about transgender issues.

He appeared alongside transgender journalist Juno Dawson. Amid the anger about his GMB appearance, Dawson said she was “mortified and felt hijacked”.

I was literally booked on Sunday Morning Live with him about a month ago. The BBC isn't above this either.

— Juno Dawson (@junodawson) September 5, 2017

She added the SML producers later said they “didn’t know his background”.

The producers at SML said they didn't know his background. I was *mortified* and felt hijacked tbh.

— Juno Dawson (@junodawson) September 5, 2017

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