30 Simple Ways to Cultivate Beauty In Your Everyday Life

You have the power to recharge, refocus and recommit, without slog. All you have to do is keep in touch with the beauty of your everyday life. The way to do this is through your story.

You have the power to recharge, refocus and recommit, without slog. All you have to do is keep in touch with the beauty of your everyday life. The way to do this is through your story.

Here's how.

1. To access the beauty of your story, notice, name, savour and share the beauty of your everyday experience, i.e. the story of how you are loved and loving in your everyday relationships.

2. Include all your experience - all the way up and all the way down: body, mind, spirit, soul. Nothing is left out.

3. When you tell your story, tell it with all the power of your imagination. Tell it as if you are telling it to an audience of millions, for it deserves an audience of millions.

4. We resist beauty: we say it's too soppy, too soft or too unreal. Beware of doubt!

5. Cultivate delight and appreciation over desire and concern.

6. Learn to choose consolation over desolation, for there is nothing as attractive as pain.

7. Your limitations simply add to your beauty: learn to smile at your limitations.

8. If you don't think that you are beautiful, imagine it. Imagination is your personal shopper in the realm of beauty.

9. Choose authority of experience over experience of authority. You don't need an expert - you are the expert.

10. To be more yourself, be another. You are the product of your imagination.

11. If you must be mindful, be mindful of your story.

12. Reflection (not analysis) is key to beauty. Learn to reflect.

13. You are beautiful. Believe it!

14. Receive love; you will give it, anyway.

15. We only ever see the next step. Be on the look-out for it.

16. We run from the next step. Expect resistance - from within.

17. Repetition is sacred: return to what feeds you.

18. Leisure is critical. Lose it, and you lose your life.

19. Expect tears: beauty moves you.

20. Beauty is light (as in levity). Learn to laugh.

21. Beauty is in every life: respect it in others.

22. The heart is secular. If you want to find God, look into your heart.

23. To get in touch with the beauty of your story, invent!

24. The heart that is hidden breaks; the heart that is open, grows. Share your story.

25. Information only gets you so far. Go with feeling, imagination, inner knowledge, the sensate.

26. When you've lost your way, read beauty's signs in the everyday.

27. Insight isn't enough, do something with it! Cook!

28. If you must analyze, meditate.

29. When you share the beauty in your story, it becomes convictional. Share!

30. Beauty doesn't come to you gift-wrapped - you've got to work at it: remember to Notice, Name, Savour, Share (NNSS).
