What I Learned at London Fashion Week

What I Learned at London Fashion Week

Well another London Fashion Week is over and, frankly, I am bereft. The glamour, the parties, the fact that it is okay to drink before noon, the clothes, the people watching. It is one of the most brilliant weeks in London. I cannot even think of anything that tops it.

Last time I did London Fashion Week I was over it. Sure I had fun, I saw some great shows, went to some parties, but I was all on my own. When you have tons of shows to go to and you are walking all around London the shine wears off quickly. Your feet are hurting and you are cold. This year I wised up and hired some interns. Keshini, Paloma and Kate. After the pressure to go to every show myself was removed I had a ball.

My love of London Fashion Week does not correspond with my hatred of queues and being kept waiting. Or hierarchy. Or people being bitchy or judgmental. Here are my observations;

  • You can always tell who the celebrities are on the runway as the celebrities,sizes 6 to 8 on average, look practically obese next to the models, size 0 to, oh, 0.
  • The most daring men of fashion will be wearing skirts (not kilts!) and onesies. Though, not if they have any sense.
  • Pastels are in
  • So is sport luxe.
  • And up-dos and top knots.
  • Rucksacks are big for men
  • The models are too skinny and usually too young.
  • All the models look miserable.
  • I will never be as thin as a model again, but I am okay with that.
  • It's the most fun you will ever have.
  • The front row is always a greater experience.
  • The Chambord VIP lounge at London Fashion Week is an experience everyone should have. Drinks on tap, canapés, beauty lessons, a fashion show and an amazing goodie bag.
  • London Fashion Week isn't the same now that Paul Costelloe is not opening. He is much missed.
  • Corrie Nielsen was my favourite show. Very grand and Scottish. The clothes were glorious.
  • The Mayfair hotel rocks http://frostmagazine.com/2012/02/the-mayfair-hotel-fronts-fashion-with-felder-felder-sunday-girl/
  • I solved my what to wear dilemma by wearing a lot of black. As the editor of Frost Magazine I took the pressure of myself to look perfect and too fashionista. Although the green Gharani Strok dress I wore to London Fashion Weekend got a lot of complements.
  • London Fashion Week would be a trying experience without the press lounge. I live in the press lounge and always make lots of friends. They have drinks, wi-fi and they even have food sometime that goes in a nanosecond.
  • Most of the people are nice.
  • Sometime people will ignore you if they think your ticket is worse or better than theirs. Just ignore their ego.

So that's it. Until September. I am counting down the days....


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