The Best Moments In Stand Up Aren't Laughs - But The Silence Before The Laughs

Chris Ramsey is a stand-up comedian and actor from South Shields. He vlogs for The Huffington Post UK on his embarrassing moments, what inspired him to become a comedian and the best joke he's heard.

Chris Ramsey is a stand-up comedian and actor from South Shields. Here he vlogs for The Huffington Post UK on his embarrassing moments, what inspired him to become a comedian and the best joke he's heard.

He stars in The Chris Ramsey Show, a brand new celebrity chat and game show created for Comedy Central UK. Chris' guests will chat and compete against each other in a series of physical feats and Ramsey Challenges before trying to outdo each other in Gamewreckers, where they'll play classic computer games while Chris does his best to distract them with wrestlers, electrocution bracelets and a paddle-whipping dominatrix. Guest stars include Jimmy Carr, Joel Dommett, Joey Essex, Vicky Pattison, Jamie Laing, Fern McCann, Rick Edwards and Sara Pascoe.

The Chris Ramsey Show airs on Comedy Central UK on Wednesdays at 10pm.


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