Airbnb has announced they are extending their charitable housing pledge to offer short-term homes for 100,000 displaced people in the next five years.
The tech giant issued a statement online, titled #Weaccept, detailing their goal to provide housing for refugees, disaster survivors and relief workers.
As well as contribute $4 million over four years to International Rescue Committee to help displaced populations globally.

A spokesperson said: “We believe in the simple idea that no matter who you are, where you’re from, you who love, or who you worship, you deserve to belong.
“Because we really do believe that the world is a better, more beautiful place the more we accept each other.”
In addition, they stated that this move is not only about finding a host to stay with in their community, but also to feel “connected, respected and part of a community again”.
This is not the first proactive step the company has taken in this direction.
Last week, in response to President Donald Trump’s immigration ban, the company offered free shelter to both refugees and others who had been denied entry to the United States, as part of the new policy.
The statement also addressed issues of discrimination within the Airbnb community: “The painful truth is that guests on Airbnb have experienced discrimination, something that is the very opposite of our values.
“We know we have work to do and are dedicated to achieving greater acceptance in our community.”
They also appealed for more people to “consider sharing your home” online by signing up to Airbnb.