Airbnb Is Offering Free Housing To Refugees Affected By Trump's Immigration Ban

Airbnb CEO: 'Not allowing countries or refugees into America is not right.'

Tech giant Airbnb has said it will offer free housing to both refugees and others who have been denied entry to the United States as a result of President Trump’s travel ban.

The company’s CEO Brian Chesky tweeted yesterday: “Airbnb is providing free housing to refugees and anyone not allowed in the US. Stayed tuned for more, contact me if urgent need for housing.”

Airbnb is providing free housing to refugees and anyone not allowed in the US. Stayed tuned for more, contact me if urgent need for housing

— Brian Chesky (@bchesky) January 29, 2017

The CEO’s offer comes after President Trump signed an executive order which temporarily suspends the United States’ refugee resettlement programme.

The order, called “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States”, bans all refugees from entering the US for 120 days.

In addition the order also temporarily places a ban on entry into the US of any person from seven countries: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.

Chesky has also provided a link where hosts are able to help house refugees.

If you're able to host refugees in need via Airbnb, you can sign up here:

— Brian Chesky (@bchesky) January 30, 2017

In support of his company’s decision, Airbnb’s co-founder and chief product offer Joe Gebbia has also tweeted about the travel ban saying:

1/5 The only criteria can be “human” when the safety & well being of suffering people is at stake. Nothing is more important #withrefugees

— Joe Gebbia (@jgebbia) January 28, 2017

2/5 It's not just the people sitting in an airport right now in some beige, featureless, backroom customs holding container…#withrefugees

— Joe Gebbia (@jgebbia) January 28, 2017

3/5 It’s all the people out in the world, living in conditions far beyond anything we will ever experience…#withrefugees

— Joe Gebbia (@jgebbia) January 28, 2017

4/5 Had dinner recently w/Afghan refugee family, father served as interpreter w/our troops. Broke bread together & learned what we share.

— Joe Gebbia (@jgebbia) January 28, 2017

5/5 Learn more about the issue & contribute to UNHCR efforts here: #withrefugees

— Joe Gebbia (@jgebbia) January 28, 2017

”Airbnb aren’t the only silicon valley company to express their concern about the travel ban.

In an internal memo, Apple CEO Tim Cook is reported to have said: “I’ve heard from many of you who are deeply concerned about the executive order issued yesterday restricting immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries. I share your concerns. It is not a policy we support,”

Similarly, Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella had this to say about the ban: “As an immigrant and as a CEO, I’ve both experienced and seen the positive impact that immigration has on our company, for the country, and for the world. We will continue to advocate on this important topic.”

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has also spoken out about the travel ban saying:

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings also released a statement on his Facebook page:


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