Alpha Delta Pi Sorority Video Opens The Gates Of Hell At University Of Texas

'We've been waiting for you all year!'

WARNING: Those of a nervous disposition should look away now.

The tradition of fraternities and sororities is unique to the USA and if this video is anything to go by it can stay that way.

They are preppy.

They are enthusiastic.

And they are truly, truly terrifying.

The saccharine-sweet intros are bad enough on their own but the discombobulated throng of arms and that chant that will haunt you for the rest of the year are truly something to behold.

Here are the lyrics just so they’re fully ingrained...

Boom boom I wanna go A D Pi,
Boom boom, and baby that ain’t no lie,
Boom boom I wanna go A D Pi
Don’t you?

Boom boom, I wanna wear white and blue
Boom boom, and wear that diamond too
Boom boom, I wanna go A D Pi
Don’t you?

Boom boom, I wanna go A D Pi
Boom boom That’s Alpha Delta Pi
Boom boom, I wanna go A D Pi
Don’t you?

Those Alpha Delta Pi sorority girls chanting reminds me of one of those satanic cult rituals from the Manson days.

— Drew Muller (@Andrewmuller_) August 19, 2016

@JeneuseG stuff of nightmares right there.

— Farhan Ahmed (@farhannow) August 18, 2016

We agree. As do many others...

@LizzyKimball @itsbizkit who wore it better?

— generic (@generic_) August 18, 2016

Make it stop.


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