Boris Johnson Tells Angela Merkel To Stop Her 'Whinge-Orama' About Donald Trump

This doesn't bode well for relations with Europe.

Boris Johnson has issued a veiled retort to Angela Merkel and other European leaders who warned about the dangers of Donald Trump’s election victory.

The Foreign Secretary called on senior politicians to end their “whinge-orama” and “snap out of the doom and gloom” they exhibited after the shock result.

Merkel had led the charge of European leaders who gave Trump’s win a frosty reception.

The German Chancellor warned Trump their two countries' would only succeed if he upheld “the dignity of man, independent of origin”, while Theresa May simply offered the President-elect her congratulations.

Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel
Francois Lenoir / Reuters

But speaking late on Thursday night, Johnson said Trump’s election was a “great opportunity” for the world.

He said: “It’s time that we were overwhelmingly positive about the possibilities here and I may respectfully say to some of my beloved European friends and colleagues that I think it’s time we snapped out of the doom and gloom about the result of this election and the collective whinge-orama that seems to be going on in some places.

“In our country, I think we should recognise that this is an opportunity. I think we should take what the President-Elect has had to say about his feelings for our country at face value.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Joe Raedle via Getty Images

“He’s had a very good conversation with our Prime Minister Theresa May earlier on today; he spoke of a special relationship with the UK.

“He is after all a deal maker. He wants to do a free trade deal and I believe this is a great opportunity for us in the UK to build on that relationship with America that is of fundamental economic important to us but also great importance to the stability and prosperity of the world.”

Johnson also spoke to Vice President-Elect Mike Pence last night. He revealed on Twitter:

Just spoken to US VP-elect @mike_pence. We agreed on importance of the special relationship & need to tackle global challenges together

— Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) November 10, 2016

Pence confirmed the call, saying the pair had discussed America’s “longstanding and close relationship with the UK” but neglecting to refer to the so-called “special relationship” directly.

Just spoke to @BorisJohnson. Discussed America's longstanding and close relationship with the UK.

— Mike Pence (@mike_pence) November 10, 2016



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