BBC News At Ten: Huw Edwards Copes With The BBC News At Ten Meltdown Like A Boss

'Has the world ended?'

Time seemed to stand still as the beginning of the BBC News At Ten went into meltdown on Tuesday night.

Viewers were left bemused by what was happening to the Beeb’s flagship news programme as the screen displayed a message apologising for the “break in programme” on BBC One.


On the BBC News channel, the same programme was spinning out of control: a riot of mis-firing sounds, stings and breaking news graphics.

What's happening with BBC News at Ten? Kim Jong Un on the controls? All over the gaff.

— Josh Halliday (@JoshHalliday) June 20, 2017

The News at Ten just can't take it any more. It's hiding in a cupboard weeping.

— Tom Sutcliffe (@tds153) June 20, 2017

BREAKING: BBC News, apparently.

— Scott Reid (@scottreid1980) June 20, 2017

Has the world ended? No 10 o'clock news. Britain really is screwed

— Tim Shipman (@ShippersUnbound) June 20, 2017

Stuck in the middle was this man. Huw Edwards.


The camera was trained on his near motionless upper body for what seemed like an eternity as the broadcaster was left naked to the vagaries of live TV.

Bbc news channel is right now just Huw Edwards humming to himself.

— fleetstreetfox (@fleetstreetfox) June 20, 2017

Watching Huw Edwards do nothing on BBC news is kinda absorbing, like a lava lamp

— Ian Ford (@ij_ford) June 20, 2017

Has Huw Edwards' earpiece melted in the heat?

— Jane Merrick (@janemerrick23) June 20, 2017

Right so what happened? Huw Edwards boycotted the news? Fair imo

— Esther Webber (@estwebber) June 20, 2017

Then, after more than four excruciating minutes, he spoke.

”Tonight at ten, the Chancellor spells out jobs and prosperity must come first in any Brexit deal,” he said in his unmistakeable Welsh tone and the news was back in business.

You can watch the malfunction in all its glory here and then get on to the Pulitzer prize people to get the man a prize.

News At Ten’s editor later tweeted to explain there was a “technical system crash”.

FYI technical system crash seconds before 10. Director had to switch to a back-up system ASAP. @huwbbc doing great job #BBCNewsTen

— Paul Royall (@paulroyall) June 20, 2017

Fair play to Huw. After all, this is how controversial US anchor Bill O’Reilly coped with having to introduce Sting.


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