Bowling Green Massacre Invented By Kellyanne Conway, Who Then Accuses Press Of Ignoring It

She of 'alternative facts' fame.

One of Donald Trump’s advisors has attempted to justify his ban on travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries by citing an entirely fabricated terrorist attack.

Kellyanne Conway then went on to complain that no media covered the made-up attack.

Speaking on MSNBC on Thursday night, Conway said:

“I bet it’s brand-new information to people that President Obama had a six-month ban on the Iraqi refugee program after two Iraqis came here to this country, were radicalised and were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre. Most people don’t know that because it didn’t get covered.”

What Conway may have been trying to refer to was an incident in 2011 when two Iraqi refugees were arrested in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Mohanad Shareef Hammadi and Waad Ramadan Alwan believed they were sending money and weapons to al-Qaeda in Iraq when in fact, they were caught in an FBI sting operation.

The pair are now both serving life sentences in prison on federal terrorism charges but there was never any “massacre” and they were never accused of killing anyone.

Kellyanne Conway totally invented a terrorist attack
Kellyanne Conway totally invented a terrorist attack
NurPhoto via Getty Images

There were also suggestions that Conway may have been influenced by false rumours about a Halloween massacre which went around several US universities in 1998, including Ohio’s Bowling Green State University.

There was also never a ban on the refugee programme which Conway referred to in her answer.

The Obama administration delayed processing refugees as it expanded screening measures; refugees already in the country were re-screened. Iraqi refugees continued to enter the country, just at a slower pace.

Conway later tweeted claiming she had meant to say “Bowling Green terrorists”.

On @hardball @NBCNews @MSNBC I meant to say "Bowling Green terrorists" as reported here:

— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) February 3, 2017

Her comments prompted many to joke about the non-existent event...

Finding these Bowling Green Massacre jokes to be a little too soon. Out of respect, we should wait until it takes place.

— Justin Shanes (@justinshanes) February 3, 2017

Islington remembers the #BowlingGreenMassacre

— Felicity Spector (@FelicitySpector) February 3, 2017

I was a student at BGSU when the Bowling Green Massacre didn't happen. I'll never be able to not forget what I didn't see that day.🙏

— Jim Osborne (@ozzy4873) February 3, 2017

It's not just the Bowling Green Massacre. Refugees were also behind the Narnia Bombings, the shootings in Atlantis and the Midsomer Murders

— David Schneider (@davidschneider) February 3, 2017

Sometimes...the way people's as if The Bowling Green Massacre never even happened. Sad.

— Tessa Marks (@tkmtwit) February 3, 2017

Beryl Cook's depiction of the Bowling Green Massacre is particularly moving.

— Andrea Mann 👍 (@AndreaMann) February 3, 2017

Ah, the Bowling Green Massacre. Adele Dazeem deserves the death penalty for that one.

— Jordan Peele (@JordanPeele) February 3, 2017

shame on Kellyanne Conway for attempting to politicize the Bowling Green massacre, in which I was killed

— PAPPADEMAS (@PAPPADEMAS) February 3, 2017

Forensic team at the Bowling Green Massacre.

— Bronwen Scott (@Snailseyeview) February 3, 2017

Conway was roundly mocked earlier this year for her defence of White House press secretary Sean Spicer for telling reporters that “this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration — period — both in person and around the globe,” following Trump’s inuaguration.

Aerial photos showed that Trump drew a far smaller crowd to his inaugural address than President Obama did.

Conway called Spicer’s claims “alternative facts”.


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