A pro-Brexit voter has complained about police being called after she offered to lend her pen to people to prevent the government rigging the result of today's EU referendum.
Almost half - 46% - of all Leave voters believe it is “probably true” that the outcome is pre-determined.
One popular conspiracy theory that has reemerged is that the government will attempt to rig the result by rubbing out Brexit votes that are made using a pencil. The fear has inspired the #usepens hashtag on Twitter.
Polling stations have pencils not pens on hand for voters to cast their ballots with.
Jacqueline Jackson, who describes herself as "100% Ukip" and an "islamophobe with good reason" because the religion is "evil", tweeted the complaint today.
Jackson tells the police officer: "I was asked to come here and hold dogs today and offer people the use of a pen because there are only pencils in the polling station."
The officer replies: "That's the same for all polling stations, there aren't pens."
And the conversation ends amicably.
One local council has encouraged voters to use the pencils provided to make sure their vote is counted properly.
A YouGov poll asked people about “some things that people have said about the EU referendum campaign”. Including:
“It is likely that the EU referendum will be rigged.”
Almost half - 46% - of all Leave voters say this is the case, contrast to 11% of those supporting Remain. Regardless of voting preference, 28% subscribe to the “rigged” hypothesis.
“MI5 is working with the UK government to try and stop Britain leaving the EU.”
Some 28% of Leave backers suspect pro-EU involvement of the secret services, while 16% of the Remain vote are wary of ‘spooks’.
“The BBC and ITN are not commissioning an exit poll in order to allow the vote to be fixed without anyone telling.”
Around a third of Leave voters - 36% - back the suggestion that broadcasters are deliberately meddling with the outcome. It’s 10% among Remain-ers.
“There are plans for further EU integration and enlargement that the EU are deliberately not announcing till after the referendum.”
Three-quarters of Leavers - 75% - are convinced of the plot, compared to 25% who will be voting for ‘In’.