Britain First's Paul Golding Turns His Back On Sadiq Khan During London Mayoral Election Speech

Kinda loses it's impact when you've basically come last.

Britain First leader, Paul Golding, celebrated failing abysmally in the London Mayoral elections by turning his back on Sadiq Khan as he made his victory speech.

In a not very shocking turn of events, Paul Golding forgets which way is forward. #LondonElects

— Joe Cox (@JosephLCox) May 7, 2016

Paul Golding (Britain First) turns back on Sadiq Khan as though spouting racist bile in streets is what leadership should be. Fuck. Off.

— Jake (@hijakejohnstone) May 7, 2016

Haha. Did Paul Golding turn his back on Sadiq Khan? What a monumental weapon that man is.

— Jack McKenna (@jackanori) May 7, 2016

Paul Golding is like that kid at school that got picked last for teams in PE and took it really badly

— Hattie Blyth (@hattieblyth) May 7, 2016

Perhaps most telling was the fact many people didn't even know who he was...

BNP candidate turns his back on Sadiq's speech, probably cos he's a total prick. Just looks like he's having a piss.

— Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson) May 6, 2016

#LondonElects Okay Okay Okay, so who was that Idiot that turned his back on Mayor @SadiqKhan, my dog wants to challenge him to a quiz #Dumbo

— Kofi Owusu-Ansah (@owusu_ansahkofi) May 7, 2016

Look at the pathetically unpopular BNP candidate turn his back on @SadiqKhan as he gives speech #LondonElects

— Adam Cumiskey (@cumiskey) May 6, 2016

Britain First fell far short in their objective to get deputy leader Jayda Fransen elected to the GLA, even releasing a video the night before the results to apologise for being trounced.

Instead of saying 'scum' can we all just say 'Paul Golding'? I removed some Paul Golding from my bathtub today.

— Joe Bor (@josephbor) May 7, 2016

Mashallah, British First's Paul Golding facing Mecca for evening prayer. Londonstan has begun

— Nooruddean (@BeardedGenius) May 6, 2016

Paul Golding isn't fit to lace @SadiqKhan 's boots. End of argument

— Patrick Frondigoun (@paddyjpf92) May 7, 2016

Can someone find Paul Golding's boccle and blanky, please? #LondonElects

— Robert Bartlett (@RobBartlettESPN) May 7, 2016

Poor Paul Golding from Britain First gets caught short and has to piss during Sadiq Khan's speech.

— Andy Parmo (@andyparmo) May 6, 2016

Look at that scumbag with his back turned. That's Britain First's candidate Paul Golding.

— Kevin Kelly (@kevinkelly14) May 6, 2016

I stood against Paul Golding in Sevenoaks in 2010. He was a small-minded, pathetic scumbag then and he remains one now #LondonElects

— Gareth Siddorn (@GarethSiddorn) May 6, 2016

Britain First's Paul Golding has turned his back whilst Sadiq speaks. London turned its back on you Paul. You're not welcome here. Leave.

— Chris Ward (@christopherward) May 6, 2016

London has elected Sadiq Khan as its mayor after the Labour MP ran a campaign based on increasing social mobility, making housing more affordable and growing the capital’s prosperity.

Thank you.
Today was an amazing victory for hope over fear and for unity over division.

— Sadiq Khan MP (@SadiqKhan) May 7, 2016

He said he was “deeply humbled by the hope and trust” voters placed in him, adding: “I want to thank every single Londoner for making the impossible possible.”

He added: “I’m so proud that Londoners have today chosen hope over fear and unity over division.”

Golding aside, reaction to the news was more along the lines of this... (story continues after link box).

Britain First's Paul Golding may have turned his back on Sadiq Khan, but the entire city of London turned theirs on him. The scumbag.

— Mike P Williams (@Mike_P_Williams) May 7, 2016

I reckon Britain First's Paul Golding is going to be a laughing stock this time tomorrow.

More of a laughing stock.

— RJ Barker (@dedbutdrmng) May 7, 2016

No idea why paul golding was trying to show off his haircut. Bit of a dead fade tbh

— Bilaal (@93Bl) May 7, 2016

Khan has faced far worse, namely from his Conservative rival Zac Goldsmith.

During the campaign, Khan told the HuffPost UK he felt his rival’s negative campaign was putting ethnic minorities off taking part in politics.

He said: “How do you think they feel when – and I say this without hubris or arrogance – a mainstream British Muslim, someone who has spent his life lecturing British Muslims about getting involved in mainstream society and civic society is treated this way?

Appalled that Sadiq Khan shared a platform with extremist, and Britain First candidate, Paul Golding #LondonElects

— James Fahy (@JamesFahy23) May 7, 2016

“I’ve already had people approaching me saying ‘you know, do you really think I’m going to encourage my nephew and niece, son and daughter, to get involved in politics if this is the way that you’re treated?’

“That’s why I’m disappointed in Zac. Zac should know better and Zac does know better and one of the things when you’re a candidate is you receive advice all the time.”

Khan also spoke in April about how the “Donald Trump approach” to politics would never succeed in London.

Paul Golding isn't the smartest pencil in the box. He probably thinks he's facing the audience.

— Otto English (@Otto_English) May 7, 2016

“Trying to divide communities, turn them against each other – I don’t think will work in London,” he said.

“We don’t just tolerate differences, we respect them. My campaign has Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, those who aren’t a member of an organised faith, rich, poor, old, young, black, white, gay, lesbian. We’ve even got Yorkshiremen and women helping on my campaign, that’s how inclusive we are. And that’s the London I know.”

Paul Golding. Not worth the time or energy to entertain. #LondonElects

— SCOTT TWEED (@ScottTweed) May 7, 2016

EXTRA! EXTRA! Paul Golding confuses election event with BBC's The Voice! Say's he would have turned around but couldn't find the button

— Ed Jaundrell (@EdJaundrellSTC) May 7, 2016

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