Only two episodes of ‘Broadchurch’ left to go. Ever.
While we chew on that thought, there are still a multitude of loose ends to tie up, family dysfunctions to be healed, mysteries to be solved. How writer Chris Chibnall is going to sort all this lot out in 120 remaining minutes is anyone’s guess.
Just for starters tonight, could we please be told...
1. Shouldn’t the police really already know that one of their officers is the daughter of Ed Burnett, one of their chief suspects? Even if it doesn’t occur to her to tell them, I mean? Yes, this bubbling undercurrent all came to a glorious head. DS Ellie Miller was promoted to “head of bollockings” after last week’s showdown with Kate Harford, but David Tennant has never been better than when he had to dismiss the young police officer from the station.

2. Why didn’t they dust for fingerprints on the card that came with the flowers before? We saw Ed Burnett having his DNA taken back in Episode 2, presumably fingerprints would have been taken at the same time? This is a delayed lead that should have been cleared up weeks ago.
3. How are the contents of Tom Miller’s phone connected to the case? I’m convinced things may yet go full circle back to his poor, beleaguered mum Ellie who, let’s face it, has had plenty on her plate over the three series.
4. Talking of phones, Ed Burnett’s photos of Trish dating back 10 years… things are looking bad for him, but it is *only episode 6. Lenny Henry may yet come out of the soup.
5. Talking of gadgets, what’s on the computer that’s causing Ian such a headache?
6. And, talking of Ian, was he telling the truth about having to speak to Ed about sexually harassing Trish?
7. Finally, was that really the last we’re going to see of tormented Mark Latimer? It would seem so from the dramatic weight given to his farewell last week, so I’m wondering how this is going to affect Beth, and therefore have an input into the final unravelling of the attack on Trish. Oh well, only two hours to go and we’ll know all.
Any ideas or theories, please tweet to @FrostReporter, and I’ll be sure to include. You can catch up with ‘Broadchurch’ on ITV Player, and Episode 7 airs tonight (Monday 10 April) at 9pm on ITV.