Daily Mail Criticises John Cleese's Pot Belly, Monty Python Star Hits Back At Editor Paul Dacre

Cleese is rarely one to hold back his opinions from his 5.1 million followers.

John Cleese has lashed out at Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre after the newspaper ran an article mocking his “beer belly”.

Using pictures of the 76-year-old Monty Python Star on a recent shopping trip, the piece said:

He was stick thin while playing his most famous character Basil Fawlty.

But John Cleese revealed a considerable paunch while out shopping in London recently.

Wearing an unflatteringly tight-fitting t-shirt, the 76-year-old was unable to disguise his rather large beer belly while walking among shoppers.

British actor John Cleese performs during his show 'Last Time to See Me Before I Die' in April.
British actor John Cleese performs during his show 'Last Time to See Me Before I Die' in April.

Unsurprisingly, Cleese was having none of it and in typically bombastic fashion insinuated he hoped Dacre’s next heart-attack “would be his last”.

I see the Mail is shaming my fatness. Fair comment. Plump at the O2,and much worse since the Shingles and the Arthritis. Must try harder...

— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) August 2, 2016

However,it's also true that Paul Dacre,editor of the Mail,is ahead of me in the Heart Attack stakes,by 5-0.Let's hope his next is his last

— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) August 2, 2016
Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre, pictured in 2012, has had his own health issues
Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre, pictured in 2012, has had his own health issues
Suzanne Plunkett / Reuters

The tweet provoked a mixed response with some finding it hilarious but others feeling it could be read as wishing death upon someone.

@JohnCleese ouch! but funny 😀

— John Ellison (@johnellison) August 2, 2016

@JohnCleese Couldn't have been heart attacks. He'd need to have a heart in the first place.

— rich (@ridjb) August 2, 2016

@JohnCleese what a nasty thing to do..wishing death...

— tweetmaster (@tweetma27340584) August 2, 2016

No! I'm hoping that during his next coronary he has a Near-Death Experience which transforms him into a human being https://t.co/YQ4aoKFsOi

— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) August 2, 2016

Dacre is thought to have a heart condition and in 2007 speculation mounted that it would force him to step down as editor.

Cleese is rarely one to hold back his opinions from his 5.1 million followers, most recently chipping in frequently to the debate surrounding the US presidential elections.

They're both liars and crooks,but one of them is comparatively sane,and has a good attention span https://t.co/kNYNQIGORj

— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) July 31, 2016

Earlier this year Cleese became embroiled in a row over what he perceived as a press cover up over “the biggest political scandal in 50 years”.

He was furious over the perceived failure of the press to cover former Culture Secretary John Whittingdale’s relationship with an escort.

Four national newspapers had details of the story but decided not to cover it, saying it was not in the public interest.

Whittingdale, who was at the time in charge of press regulation, was not a minister at the time of the relationship, and was not aware the woman was a sex worker.

BBC still sitting on the biggest scandal for 50 years.Weak jobsworths.

Just read Professor Brian Cathcart's piece in The Press Gazette.

— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) April 12, 2016

Cleese is no fan of the press and is a vocal campaigner for press regulation and privacy issues, an irony which was not lost on some during the Whittingdale scandal.

@JohnCleese so a man who gets angry at the Daily Mail is now annoyed the media isn’t getting involved is someones else's private life…?

— Nick (@nicktabs) April 12, 2016

@1983Jackhancock @JohnCleese if so sounds as hypocritical as demanding you have privacy when it comes to your sex life but no one else does.

— Nick (@nicktabs) April 12, 2016

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