David Cameron 'Buys £25,000 Shed To Write In' And People Can't Cope

Are we still 'all in this together'?

A man has bought a shed.

It’s a very expensive shed, thought to have cost about £25,000 - almost as much as the average UK salary.

The owner of this fancy new Cotswolds 16ft by 7ft hut is former Prime Minister David Cameron.

The former Tory leader, who once claimed “we are all in this together”, said he needs the luxury shed to write in.

He’s even willing to take on his children to make sure they can’t get their hands on the property.

The purchase has, understandably, drawn scorn and ridicule since hitting the headlines on Sunday:

It costs nearly the same amount as the average salary:

This is obscene. People can't feed their families, and David Cameron is bragging about spending £25,000 on a shed. https://t.co/0LqfCbrFLP

— Martin McCluskey (@martinmccluskey) April 30, 2017

What David Cameron's £25k garden shed is actually about is trolling the poor. Saying my shed costs more than you make in a year.

— Owen Winn (@Therealowinn) April 30, 2017

It’s clear we’re not ‘all in this together’:

It's ok, the man who got us in this mess is "chillaxing in the country" #notallinthistogether pic.twitter.com/IVQfdFLJWF

— sam baker (@SamBaker) April 30, 2017

Cameron: "Austerity should last for ever", buys himself a £25,000 shed https://t.co/Q2tGTT6jqg

— Joe Richardson (@21cwakeupcall) April 30, 2017

We're all in it together he said...BBC News - David Cameron buys £25,000 garden shed 'to write in' https://t.co/05fySUbabc

— Tim Marjoribanks (@tmmrjrbnks) April 30, 2017

It’s alright folks, it’s actually a caravan:

Puzzled why Dave posed with £25k caravan. For discount? Favour to mate? To prove "I'm totally happy not being PM"? https://t.co/01c7jf2chF

— Janice Turner (@VictoriaPeckham) April 30, 2017

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