Donald Trump Smiles And Sways Around During National Anthem At Arlington Cemetery

'Our toddler President.'

Donald Trump has been accused of “disgraceful” behaviour and acting like a “toddler President” after a seemingly-jovial rendition of the US national anthem in honour of fallen service members.

The President was attending the normally-sombre Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington Cemetery, where he addressed some of the families of those killed in action.

I look forward to paying my respects to our brave men and women on this Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery later this morning.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 29, 2017

But during the national anthem Trump appeared to be cheerfully bouncing around in stark contrast to the still and sombre-looking Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph Dunford, and Defence Secretary, James Mattis.

Watch: President Trump sings along to "Star-Spangled Banner" at Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington Nat'l Cemetery

— NBC News (@NBCNews) May 29, 2017

The rendition drew sharp criticism from many people.

The Orange Piece of Shit looked like everyone's drunk senile old uncle singing the anthem at Arlington. Trump is national embarrassment 🇺🇸

— PuffPuff (@PuffingPassing) May 29, 2017

Trump "paying respect" at Arlington: All he has to do is stand still, not look foolish #ThePresidentsBrainIsMissing

— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) May 29, 2017

At a wider level the mere presence of Trump at the Memorial Day wreath-laying ceremony was enough to stir emotions.

Our toddler president. #DISRESPECT.

— WeWhoVote (@WeWhoVote) May 29, 2017

The President dodged being drafted into the armed forces five times in his youth - four for college and one for “bone spurs” on his heels.

The condition did not stop him from participating in American football, tennis, squash and golf.

@DavidCornDC Bone spurs denied Trump the chance to reveal his heroism, but at least he got to bop around like a two-year-old with ADD at Arlington.

— JohnCammo (@JohnCammo) May 29, 2017

Trump just barely made it to Arlington for today's remembrance to honor our war dead. Bone spurs in his heels.

— George Robbins (@grobbnz) May 29, 2017

@stopthenutjob @cheryltaylor204 It saddens me as a Vietnam Veteran to have Trump at Arlington National Cemetery trying to honor those who have fallen for American Values

— Richard Adkins (@adkins381) May 29, 2017

Trump’s behaviour during the election campaign was also raised.

Trump's speech today was just words he was told to read. Such an insult to our heroes.
Remember when he said the following.

— David Hoffman (@atDavidHoffman) May 29, 2017

As Trump says “To every Gold Star family who honors us with your presence” at Arlington—can’t help but think of his feud w/ the Khan family

— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) May 29, 2017

Stepping to the microphone to deliver the address, Trump seemed to relish the warm welcome from the audience gathered in the sun-splashed amphitheater, reports the Associated Press.

Trump has been feeling particularly aggrieved in recent weeks by federal and congressional investigations into contacts between his associates and Russian government officials, including news reports that Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and top White House adviser, proposed establishing secret back-channel communications with Russia during the presidential transition.

Trump is speaking at Arlington. He doesn't speak for me. I am a gold star family and his words mean nothing to me. He is clueless!!!

— CMG (@cmngtgroup) May 29, 2017

To all Gold Star families (the families of those killed in action), Trump said of their lost service members: “They each had their own names, their own stories, their own beautiful dreams. But they were all angels sent to us by God and they all share one title in common and that is the title of hero, real heroes.

Trump used his platform to denigrate a gold star family. Today at Arlington his words do not ring true. The Khan family deserves an apology.

— Lorilye (@DaisyGirlUSA) May 29, 2017

“Though they were here only a brief time before God called them home, their legacy will endure forever,” Trump said.

Trump did not apologise to Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of Captain Humayun Khan, a Muslim-American soldier killed in Iraq in 2004.

Speaking in July last year about Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from the US, Khizr said: “Go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending the United States of America.

“You will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing and no one.”

Trump responded in an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos in which he implied Ghazala had not spoken at the DNC because, as a Muslim woman, “she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say”.

He then suggested his personal business ventures were a sacrifice on a level with that given by fallen soldiers.


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