Donald Trump Supporter Totally Flips Out After Crashing Interview

'He travels the world feeding the kids!'

A Donald Trump supporter crashed an interview on MSNBC and... well, it all got a bit surreal.

Host Cal Perry was talking to people protesting against the new President-Elect including one gentlemen holding a sign saying “ban all bigotry”.

Suddenly a young woman appears in shot and proceeds to angrily outline all the positive and charitable things she believes Donald Trump has contributed to society.

@calmsnbc @Paulmd199 She seems nice.

— sheeptramp (@sheeptramp) November 11, 2016

She says: “Bigotry but married to an immigrant, right? Make sure you get that on camera.

“But you don’t want to get that interview, just get [that sign] on camera, that’s what the media wants.

“Why don’t you get it on camera instead of editing, his one million dollar a month anonymous Feed the Children donation. Why don’t you get that on camera?

“Why don’t you get on camera that he recruited immigrants to help him build towers so he could put them up? But you don’t get that on camera do you?

“This [sign] is what you get on camera and you edit it accordingly.

“You don’t include the fact that we have an AWESOME President now.”

The woman gets angrier and angrier, branding the man holding the sign an “ungrateful motherfucker”.

She then signs off with: “[Trump] is a good man with a good awesome heart who travelled the world feeding the kids.

“You fucking motherfucker.”

@calmsnbc trump "travels the world feeding the kids". WTF?!?

— BevMarie (@evenbev) November 11, 2016

Perry, until this point unable to get a word in, simply replies: “Thank you.”

@calmsnbc At least she'll be happy it wasn't edited.

— Ron Terrell (@RonTerrell) November 11, 2016

Although Trump and those close to him often boast of his charitable giving and philanthropy, a closer examination paints a very different picture.

The billionaire does have his own organisation called the Donald J Trump Foundation, set up to provide funds for charities such as Alliance for Lupus Research, the American Skin Association, the Anti-Defamation League.

But a number of investigations have found a series of shady dealings, and in September the Attorney General of New York said he was investigating suspected “impropriety”.

Funds have been used to settle lawsuits brought against Trump including one from a man who scored a hole-in-one at one of his golf courses and was allegedly never paid the $1,000,000 prize for doing so.

Remarkably, Trump isn’t even the biggest donor to his own foundation, giving just $3,700,000 between 1990 and 2009. and leading to him being branded “the least charitable billionaire in the world”.

The foundation also violated tax laws in 2013 by making a $25,000 donation to the Attorney General of Florida just as she was considering investigating Trump University.

As for the anonymous donations to Save the Children mentioned by the woman in the video, there is no evidence of this as they would, if they exist, be anonymous.

And the “immigrants he brought over to build Trump Tower”?

According to Time they were “putting in 12-hour shifts with inadequate safety equipment at subpar wages that their contractor paid sporadically, if at all”.


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