Donald Trump Says 'Titties' In Detroit Campaign Stop Speech

Freudian slip? There must've been something else on his mind...

In a speech at a campaign stop in Detroit on Monday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump fervently said the word “titties” directly to the crowd.

It’s unclear whether the orange-faced demagogue’s oral error was due to a teleprompter malfunction or just a slip of the tongue, but it definitely happened.

Could this be the first time a major presidential candidate has uttered the word “titties” so clearly and in such a public space?

We can only imagine he intended to say: “[I will] cause trillions in new dollars and wealth to come pouring into our country, and, by the way, into cities like right here in Detroit.”

Like a school English class when one student reads out a poem with a naughty word in it, the internet has been collectively giggling ever since Trump’s Freudian slip.

Stop making fun of #Trump for accidentally saying titties, it's a mistake anyone could've titties.#Election2016

— Chris Real (@ChristofurReal) August 8, 2016

Donald Trump promised to rebuild titties like some kinda plastic surgeon.

— Brosephine Wires (@JoParkerBear) August 8, 2016

Tonight: We're back and the news is, frankly, a bit hum-dru... DID DONALD TRUMP JUST SAY TITTIES?!

— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) August 9, 2016

Some touched on the fact that Trump, who previously slated other politicians for using teleprompters, has recently started using them to curb his wayward mouth

aide: read from the teleprompter, that way you won’t say anything stupid
trump: got it
[5m later]
trump: TITTIES

— Hippo (@InternetHippo) August 8, 2016

The hashtag #MakeTittiesGreatAgain surfaced

Vote for Trump, and he'll #maketittiesgreatagain #USA2016

— Ken Hætta (@Kenjh71) August 9, 2016

When he says "titties" instead of "cities" #maketittiesgreatagain

— regularmom (@qotsafreak) August 8, 2016

And some used the comical moment to highlight a real issue

Trump accidentally saying "titties" is the closest he'll ever get to caring about women's issues #titties

— Mariya Alexander (@MariyaAlexander) August 8, 2016

If Trump really cared about titties, he and the GOP would support Planned Parenthood.

— Paul Myers (@pulmyears) August 8, 2016

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