Donald Trump Trolled After Tweeting Scotland Voted In EU Referendum To Take 'Their Country Back'

'Scotland voted Remain, you weapons-grade plum.'

Donald Trump couldn't have been more wrong about Brexit as he arrived in Scotland to say the place was "going wild" after "taking their country back".

Problem was, Scotland voted to Remain. By 62%.

The Republican presidential candidate touched down at his seaside Trump Turnberry resort Friday morning for its official opening, following a major refurbishment of the hotel and golf course.

Just arrived in Scotland. Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we will take America back. No games!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 24, 2016

Shortly before 10.30am Trump tweeted: "Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we well take America back. No Games."

It was soon pointed out to Trump, who had already told reporters that Brexit was a "great thing", that 62% of Scots voted to Remain.

Dozens of Twitter users branded Trump a “moron,” a “weapons-grade plum” and an “idiot” - including British pop star Lily Allen, TV presenter Sue Perkins and comedian Peter Serafinowicz.

@realDonaldTrump You are a fucking moron.

— Peter Serafinowicz (@serafinowicz) June 24, 2016

@realDonaldTrump Scotland voted IN you moron

— lily (@lilyallen) June 24, 2016

@realdonaldtrump Scotland voted Remain, you weapons-grade plum.

— Sue Perkins (@sueperkins) June 24, 2016

@realDonaldTrump You are in Scotland. We voted #Remain. #EUref

— Joan McAlpine (@JoanMcAlpine) June 24, 2016

@lilyallen @realDonaldTrump Another proof of @realDonaldTrump deep and dangerous ignorance.

— Jorge Majfud (@majfud) June 24, 2016

Scotland voted to remain you twat

— Emma Kelly (@TooManyEmmas) June 24, 2016

Trump was further humiliated by comedian Lee Harris who was physically removed from his event after handing out golf balls covered in swastikas.

Nelson, also known as Simon Brodkin, is infamous for creating a scene by throwing money at shamed former Fifa executive Sep Blatter and gatecrashing Kanye West’s Glastonbury set last year.

Comedian Simon Brodkin, also known as Lee Harris, hands out golf balls emblazoned with swastikas during the Trump event
Comedian Simon Brodkin, also known as Lee Harris, hands out golf balls emblazoned with swastikas during the Trump event
Andrew Milligan/PA Wire

Sorry for the delay giving out the balls you ordered Mr Trump...

— Lee Nelson (@RealLeeNelson) June 24, 2016

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon said Scotland had "delivered a strong, unequivocal vote to remain in the EU, and I welcome that endorsement of our European status".

She said a second independence referendum was now "highly likely" saying it was "democratically unacceptable" that Scotland faced the prospect of being taken out of the EU against its will.

Speaking in advance of his arrival, protesters said Trump was not welcome, one claiming the property magnate had “ramped up levels of racism, Islamophobia, and bigotry” during his run for the White House.


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