Brighton Woman, Ivanka Majic, Tagged By Donald Trump's Twitter Instead Of His Daughter

This should be interesting.

A Brighton and Hove woman has been unwittingly thrust into the social media limelight after Donald Trump tagged her in a tweet instead of his daughter.

Four days ago, Ivanka Majic was happy with just making it into her local paper for her work on a restaurant awards scheme.

Made the local paper. Fame at last! @bravofoodawards @XDBPhotography @edofcopy @prykey24 @EatBrighton

— Ivanka Majic (@ivanka) January 13, 2017

Then on Monday evening, Donald Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, was scheduled to appear on CNN.

At 9:00 P.M. @CNN, of all places, is doing a Special Report on my daughter, Ivanka. Considering it is CNN, can't imagine it will be great!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 17, 2017

During the show the President-Elect attempted to quote a line from the piece but managed to mess up Ivanka’s handle.

"@drgoodspine: @realDonaldTrump @Ivanka Trump is great, a woman with real character and class."

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 17, 2017

Trump just tweeted at some English woman named Ivanka, thinking it's his daughter. It's not.

— John Aravosis (@aravosis) January 17, 2017

Ivanka, an ex-Labour employee who lives in Brighton and Hove, was woken at 6am by calls from the media.

The Twitter handle @Ivanka belongs to a woman in England — whose phone may be buzzing her out of a dead sleep at this very moment

— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) January 17, 2017

Dear @ivanka I know @realDonaldTrump tweeted you "accidentally." But you're not from the former #USSR #CCCP are you? Asking for a friend...

— ali bergstrom (@TinPanAli) January 17, 2017

And that wasn’t the only mistake in the tweet.

@HuffPostUK @HuffPostUKCom Plus, the quote he used was from an account that has never tweeted.

— spike the wonderdog (@rosedox) January 17, 2017

Majic later replied to Trump, taking the opportunity to have a dig at the President-Elect and his stance on the environment.

@realDonaldTrump @drgoodspine And you're a man with great responsibilities. May I suggest more care on Twitter and more time learning about #climatechange.

— Ivanka Majic (@ivanka) January 17, 2017

She told the BBC: “I came downstairs to check my phone and I had so many notifications.

“It’s very unusual to be speaking to both ITV and the BBC 45 minutes into your day.

“I am kind of like that @johnlewis bloke but John Lewis is probably nicer to be associated with.”

Gotta feel for poor @ivanka. Imagine waking up to Donald Trump claiming you as his daughter

— Will Black (@WillBlackWriter) January 17, 2017

She added: “Ivanka is an incredibly boring and popular Slavic girls name. The other one I get confused with is an Hungarian concrete company called Ivanka concrete.”

Although she has said she will have no official role in her father’s administration, Ivanka Trump has been quietly laying the groundwork for an effort that could make her perhaps the best-connected policy advocate in Washington, reports AP.

Council worker from #Brighton wakes up to 'bonkers morning' as @Ivanka Majic gets #DonaldTrump tweet in @IvankaTrump mix up #HeartNews

— Sussex News (@HeartSussexNews) January 17, 2017

Trump, who has made clear she wants to push for policies benefiting women and girls, last week sought the advice of a group of female executives and media stars in New York City. And transition aides have reached out to congressional staff on child care policies, an area she has urged President-elect Donald Trump to prioritise.

In a Facebook post detailing her next moves, Ivanka Trump thanked people who had reached out on such issues and added that she is determining the “most impactful and appropriate ways for me to serve our country.”

@realDonaldTrump @drgoodspine @ivanka Ivanka Majic from Brighton, England, is a wonderful woman. You're right. RIP her mentions though.

— Mark Pygas (@MarkPygas) January 17, 2017

It is not clear if Trump will establish herself independently or if she will eventually enter the White House. But operating from the outside may take her into uncharted territory, as there are few recent examples of a first family member without a White House office advocating for policies. The closest model is the first lady, who has an office in the East Wing.

I don't think you'll have much chance of dating Ivanka from Brighton either mate but nice try x

— Sally Ann Matthews (@SallyAnMatthews) January 17, 2017

For now, the businesswoman has said only that she is stepping away from executive roles at the Trump Organisation and her lifestyle brand and is moving her family to Washington so that her husband, Jared Kushner, can take a job as a senior adviser. She has also stressed that she wants to focus on settling her three young children in a new home.


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