Donald Trump Victory 'Down To Racism And Misogyny, Not Working Class Revolt', Paul Mason Says

'The poorest voted Clinton, rejected Trump'.

Exit polling in the US Presidential Election shows it was “racism and misogyny” that won Donald Trump the election rather than a “working class” revolt, journalist Paul Mason has said.

Commentators and pollsters have scrambled to try and understand why they failed to anticipate a Trump victory over Hillary Clinton - something HuffPost polling in America said less than a 2% chance of happening.

CNN exit polls that showed Clinton was favoured by Americans who earn less than $50,000 a year, while Trump was backed by those who earned more.

The broadcaster’s polling also showed race was a key factor in how people voted.

Further to my tweets and column: it was racism and misogyny, not the "working class" that put Trump in power. (It's an exit poll).

— Paul Mason (@paulmasonnews) November 9, 2016

The broadcaster’s polling also showed race and gender were key factors in how people voted.

CNN's exit poll on how people of different races voted
CNN's exit poll on how people of different races voted

Canada’s The Globe & Mail columnist Doug Sanders supported this view, writing that Trump supporters were “white, well-off and segregated”.

“It was described, over and over, as a movement made up of blue-collar victims of a faltering economy whose lives have been changed by trade and immigration,” he said.

“But when it came to the crunch, it turned out that Donald Trump’s backers were something else entirely.

“Both far more numerous and much less economically marginal than believed.”

He wrote that Trump’s average voter was more likely to be white, old and well off rather than “the poverty-stricken victims of globalisation portrayed by the Trump campaign”.

Mason also tweeted The New York Times’ exit polling, saying it showed racism and misogyny were the two driving factors.

The NYT's rollling update exit polls confirm: racism #1, misogyny #2. The poorest voted Clinton, rejected Trump

— Paul Mason (@paulmasonnews) November 9, 2016

But he was challenged on this by Resolution Foundation Director Torsten Bell, who said the poorest voters were those most likely to have swung to the Republican.

Slightly more complicated than poor rejecting Trump - biggest move to Trump since 2012 is amongst poorest voters @paulmasonnews

— Torsten Bell (@TorstenBell) November 9, 2016

In a series of tweets, Bell argued that a decline in the number of Americans working and the failure of wages to rise with the growth of the economy.

Yes rich always more likely to vote republican but what matters is that move towards Trump was amongst poorer voters (+16% since 2012) 2/8

— Torsten Bell (@TorstenBell) November 9, 2016

Background to this isn’t simple short term economic issues. US productivity has grown faster than most, albeit slower than pre-crisis 3/8

— Torsten Bell (@TorstenBell) November 9, 2016

Anger has got more to do with the US experience of the last 40 years of wages not keeping pace with growth of the economy... 4/8

— Torsten Bell (@TorstenBell) November 9, 2016

And something more fundamental: not enough people being in work in first place - still down 5% on 2000 (UK in contrast is up 2%)...5/8

— Torsten Bell (@TorstenBell) November 9, 2016

That is being driven by a labour market participation disaster in the US – ie many more people neither working or looking for work 6/8

— Torsten Bell (@TorstenBell) November 9, 2016

And key to this is men dropping out of the world of work – down 4% since 2001 alone, and was falling before that 7/8

— Torsten Bell (@TorstenBell) November 9, 2016

So US story over longer term of flat wages/less people (men) working in first place is real, even if it doesn’t explain Trump entirely 8/8

— Torsten Bell (@TorstenBell) November 9, 2016

On Wednesday, HuffPost’s US editon published a post-mortem on how polls could have been so wrong.

“Unlike in Britain’s Brexit referendum, where even “shy” voters were willing to admit their preferences in online surveys, Trump’s support seems to have passed entirely under the radar,” polling directors Natalie Jackson and Ariel Edwards-Levy wrote.

“Claims that there was a “silent majority” or “shy Trump” voters can’t be ignored. If those are indeed where the polls missed, it’s time to take a good, hard look at surveys’ extremely low response rates, as well as how we locate voters.”


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