Facebook is embracing the world of video games.
The social network has signed a deal with video game publisher Blizzard which will allow users to Facebook Live their Overwatch, Hearthstone or even World of Warcraft gaming sessions direct from their PC.

Blizzard and Facebook have already been cementing their relationship with the launch of Overwatch, the company's hugely successful online shooter which was released a few weeks ago.
By allowing Facebook Live functionality for its games Blizzard is also introducing Facebook logins for its Battle.net account.

Over the coming weeks Blizzard will start rolling out a 'Go Live' functionality which should allow a player to easily start livestreaming at any point while playing.
With over 7 million confirmed players on Overwatch alone and a further 50 million confirmed players for its Hearthstone card game the chances are you're going to start seeing video games appearing in your news feed