Frankie Boyle has trained his sights on Prime Minister Theresa May’s new cabinet in a column for the Guardian… which you can’t actually read in the Guardian.
In a Facebook post on Tuesday, Boyle said the column had been pulled at the last minute because of a single word, on the grounds of taste.
Publishing it in full on his page, the comedian’s observations of May so far are that she is a “vehemently pro-corporate Tory who is probably well to the right of her own traditional right-wing, and this is possibly the most right wing cabinet in modern history.”

However, the famously dour Scot did allow one small chink of light through the gloom as he signed off.
“And yet, paradoxically, I think we are about to enter a time when we will put our petty divisions aside, when we will learn to co-operate fully, when we will raise our consciousness from the mundane.
“We will have to do this in order to survive, and we will, in the Re-education camps. I’ll see you there.”
It’s not the first time Boyle has had a run-in with the Guardian, in which he publishes a regular column. Back in January, it removed parts of a piece which described media mogul Rupert Murdoch as “struggling to sire another generation… by squeezing out his sperm like stale toothpaste.”
An indignant Boyle reacted by re-publishing the offending paragraph and then launching the hashtag #JeSuisFrankie, musing: “I think that the Guardian should at least have enough of a sense of irony not to censor a column about media bias.”
This time around Boyle seems to have responded with a literal shrug, and simply self-published the piece.