GLAAD Report Sees Disney, Paramount And Warner Bros 'Fail' At LGBT Representation

But they have some suggestions for Disney to improve...

Hollywood is falling short in LGBT representation, according to a new report from the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).

The new Studio Responsibility Index (SRI) highlights three film studios in particular - Paramount Pictures, Walt Disney Studios and Warner Brothers - that have received a ‘Fail’ grade in terms of portraying LGBT characters on screen.

GLAAD’s report also shows that no studios have increased their LGBT representation, with other major studios only receiving an ‘Adequate’ rating, and none being awarded a ‘Good’ label.

In the UK, 'The Danish Girl' was distributed by Universal Pictures, who received an 'Adequate' score
In the UK, 'The Danish Girl' was distributed by Universal Pictures, who received an 'Adequate' score

Sarah Kate Ellis, GLAAD’s President & CEO has lambasted studios for what she has found is too often a negative portrayal of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender figures, adding: “Hollywood's films lag far behind any other form of media when it comes to portrayals of LGBT characters.

“Too often, the few LGBT characters that make it to the big screen are the target of a punchline or token characters. The film industry must embrace new and inclusive stories if it wants to remain competitive and relevant.”

GLAAD have suggested that one area Disney could improve is by introducing LGBT characters into the ‘Star Wars’ universe, with the eighth film currently in production.

Daisy Ridley plays Rey in 'Star Wars'
Daisy Ridley plays Rey in 'Star Wars'

The report explains: “As sci-fi projects have the special opportunity to create unique worlds whose advanced societies can serve as a commentary on our own, the most obvious place where Disney could include LGBT characters is in the upcoming eighth Star Wars film.

“2015’s ‘The Force Awakens’ has introduced a new and diverse central trio, which allows the creators opportunity to tell fresh stories as they develop their backstory. Recent official novels in the franchise featured lesbian and gay characters that could also be easily written into the story.”

'Frozen' fans are campaigning for Disney to #GiveElsaAGirlfriend
'Frozen' fans are campaigning for Disney to #GiveElsaAGirlfriend

At the same time, a new campaign has begun on social media, with ‘Frozen’ fans tweeting #GiveElsaAGirlfriend in the hope that the forthcoming sequel could be the first film in Disney history to portray a same-sex relationship.

Disney, the world needs more queer representation and YOU could be the leading the at movement. Please #GiveElsaAGirlfriend

— reg (@el_leonbravo) May 1, 2016

Love is an open door. That door should be open to everyone, not just straight people. #GiveElsaAGirlfriend @Disney @DisneyPixar

— Annie was queenvives (@bivanessaives) May 1, 2016

#GiveElsaAGirlfriend because it would be a huge step towards queer kids feeling loved and accepted from a young age

— your gay is showing⚢ (@GIRLSKISSGlRLS) May 1, 2016

#GiveElsaAGirlfriend because 1 in 5 kids are queer, but only 1 in 10 feel safe enough to come out.

— mia (@miaafame) May 1, 2016

#GiveElsaAGirlfriend normalising a f/f relationship will help queer young kids accept & understand their sexuality, that rep is so important

— tammy #savesyria (@octaviabIake) May 1, 2016

I LOVE that this is trending!!! RT @daddyelycia: IMAGINE #GiveElsaAGirlfriend

— Q. Allan Brocka (@allanbrocka) May 1, 2016

#GiveElsaAGirlfriend because gay girls are princesses too!!!!!

— Alexis Isabel (@lexi4prez) May 1, 2016

A gay Disney princess would have helped me feel so much more normal when I was younger. Representation is important. #GiveElsaAGirlfriend

— jordan (@thejordanthrash) May 1, 2016

do it for the young girls who don't realize that they're gay until later on bc they have no role models as a child #GiveElsaAGirlfriend

— kate // exams (@addictionourry) May 1, 2016

Good Luck Charlie had an episode with a lesbian mom couple, so let's have #GiveElsaAGirlfriend

— ☁️ (@LernxJerky) May 1, 2016

@Disney #GiveElsaAGirlfriend you have no idea the barriers you'd be breaking in doing this please please please consider

— elizabeth (@blurredrowan) May 1, 2016

Read GLAAD's full report here.

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