Jennifer Lawrence And George Clooney Among Past Harvey Weinstein Collaborators To Speak Out Against Producer

'I want to thank the women affected for their bravery to come forward.'

Jennifer Lawrence and George Clooney are two of the A-list stars to have collaborated with Harvey Weinstein in the past who have now spoken out against the Hollywood producer, following the accusations of sexual abuse levelled against him.

Since the news broke of his alleged misconduct last week, Weinstein has been fired by his production company, and slammed by Oscar winner Meryl Streep in an exclusive statement issued to HuffPost.

Following Meryl’s comments, a number of other stars have addressed the issue, including Jennifer Lawrence, who worked with Weinstein on ‘Silver Linings Playbook’, for which she bagged an Academy Award, even thanking him by name in her acceptance speech.

Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence
Robin Marchant via Getty Images

Speaking to People magazine, she insisted she had previously been unaware of the allegations against him, and had been “deeply disturbed” by the news.

Harvey Weinstein
Harvey Weinstein
Paul Bruinooge via Getty Images

Similarly, after many pointed out the double standards being put on women to speak out, George Clooney added his voice to the discussion.

George claimed that while he had heard rumours of “certain actresses… sleeping with Harvey to get a role”, he “took those rumors with a grain of salt” as he felt they were demeaning to the actresses in question.

George Clooney
George Clooney
GEOFF ROBINS via Getty Images

Prior to this, Glenn Close penned a lengthy statement to the New York Times, in which she said she was “angry… not just at [Harvey Weinstein] and the conspiracy of silence around his actions, but also that the ‘casting couch’ phenomenon, so to speak, is still a reality in our business and in the world”.

Glenn Close
Glenn Close
Andrew Toth via Getty Images

Acknowledging that she had been aware of “vague rumors” about Weinstein’s “pattern of behaving inappropriately around women”, Glenn ended her statement with a call for change “both institutional and personal” to help “create a new culture of respect, equality and empowerment”.

Praising the “incredibly brave” women who have come forward, Kate Winslet told Variety: I have no doubt that for these women this time has been, and continues to be extremely traumatic.

Kate Winslet
Kate Winslet
Chance Yeh via Getty Images

Other big names have addressed the matter on their social media pages, including Julianne Moore, film and TV producer Judd Apatow and Susan Sarandon.

Huge respect for @AshleyJudd and all the women who broke their silence for the article on Harvey Weinstein. Brave.

— Susan Sarandon (@SusanSarandon) October 7, 2017

The power of speaking out. Era of victim blaming is now shifting w brave vocalization into support, action & real consequences. #powershift

— Rosario Dawson (@rosariodawson) October 9, 2017

What Harvey Weinstein did was abhorrent. He admits he did it. Why should anyone be silent in their disgust and support for his victims?

— Judd Apatow (@JuddApatow) October 8, 2017

1. Coming forward about sexual abuse and coercion is scary and women have nothing to be gained personally by doing so.

— Julianne Moore (@_juliannemoore) October 9, 2017

2. But through their bravery we move forward as a culture, and I thank them. Stand with @AshleyJudd @rosemcgowan and others.

— Julianne Moore (@_juliannemoore) October 9, 2017

Thread: anyone saying these women are weak for taking a settlement or waiting to come forward- you don't understand what intimidation means

— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) October 7, 2017

Men like Weinstein threaten what you hold dear- your safety, financial freedom and yes- career

— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) October 7, 2017

Imagine you'd worked your ass off to get into an industry and coming forward would take it all away?

— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) October 7, 2017

It's only in the last few years that people gather around victims. And even now, it's a lonely place to be.

— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) October 7, 2017

Now is the time to listen and learn, not make ethical judgments about women who were intimidated, coerced and harmed

— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) October 7, 2017

To be clear what Harvey Weinstein did was a disgusting abuse of power and horrible. I hope we are now seeing the beginning of the end of these abuses.

— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) October 8, 2017

Yes. Im sick of the media demanding only women speak up. What about the men? Perhaps many are afraid to look at their own behavior.....

— Jessica Chastain (@jes_chastain) October 9, 2017

If there is a way to cure yourself of being a predator than I hope harvey learns what it is & shares it with the world. It's an epidemic.

— Patricia Arquette (@PattyArquette) October 9, 2017

We need best practices if there are any for reform & it needs to be easily accessible for everyone. Not just the wealthy .

— Patricia Arquette (@PattyArquette) October 9, 2017

Meanwhile, on Monday night (9 October), The Guardian published a list of 20 male Hollywood stars they have contacted for comment about the Weinstein allegations, including Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, Bradley Cooper and Leonardo DiCaprio, none of whom had replied at their time of publication.

Weinstein has faced a string of sexual assault and sexual harassment accusations, but has “unequivocally denied” any allegations of non-consensual relationships.


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