Heartwarming Moment Chaos The Dog Is Reunited With His Long-Lost Owner

'I was speechless and I couldn't stop smiling.'

This is the heartwarming moment a dog is overcome with excitement after being reunited with his owner after two years of separation.

The footage shows José Andaverde of Columbus, Wisconsin meeting his beloved pet Chaos, who he had to give-up after becoming homeless.

At first Chaos nuzzles up to Andaverde cautiously, before realising who he is, at which point he goes into affection overdrive, leaping over him and licking his face.

Chaos is overcome with excitement after being reuniting with his owner Jose Andaverde
Chaos is overcome with excitement after being reuniting with his owner Jose Andaverde
Winnebago County Animals Services

Andaverde had obtained Chaos as a puppy but gave him to a friend after becoming homeless following a divorce, which left him living out of his car.

"Chaos helped me through so much in my life, I took him everywhere with me!" Andaverde has been quoted as saying.

When Andaverde got back on his feet his friend refused to return the dog and Andaverde feared he would never see the pooch again.

Then, in April, an employee at Winnebago County Animal Services in Rockford, Illinois, found Chaos in her driveway. When Chaos was checked over it was revealed that he had been chipped with a 2014 National Identification Number.

A shelter staff member then rang the phone number associated with the microchip and reached Andaverde, who said he "began to cry" at the news.

“I was speechless and I couldn’t stop smiling. I just couldn’t believe it... I couldn’t get to the shelter fast enough,” Andaverde said.

Winnebago Animal Services wrote on Facebook, where the video has been viewed over one million times: "Please do not underestimate the power and importance of microchipping your pets. Jose was so nice and humble and we couldn't be happier for him and Chaos.

"Thank you for microchipping and coming to pick up your long lost furry friend! He had been looking for you all along!'"


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